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University of Strathclyde Glasgow International Masters Scholarships 2024

The University of Strathclyde Glasgow is delighted to offer the International Masters Scholarships for the 2024 academiejaar. These scholarships, worth £6,000 each, are available to new international students enrolling in a postgraduate taught master’s degree program in the Department of Physics. Eligible candidates will be automatically considered upon meeting admission requirements, with no separate application needed. The deadline for admission and scholarship consideration is July 31, 2024. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to pursue your master’s degree in Physics with financial support.

Diplomaniveau en beschikbare onderwerpen

The University of Strathclyde Glasgow International Masters Scholarships 2024 are available for Masters level programs in the field of Physics.


The scholarship will contribute towards your tuition fees for the master’s program. It cannot be used to cover any deposit fees. Each scholarship award is worth £6,000.

Eligible Nationalities

This scholarship is open to international students of all nationalities.


To be eligible for this opportunity, moeten de aanvragers:

  • Be new to the University of Strathclyde and classified as international students for fee purposes.
  • Be admitted to a full-time, taught Master’s degree program offered by the Department of Physics for the academic year 2024/2025.
  • Receive an offer of admission by July 31st, 2024.
  • Be self-financing their studies (students receiving full funding from external sources like government agencies or embassies are not eligible).

Terms and Conditions

  • Meeting Eligibility: To be awarded the scholarship and maintain it, you must continue to meet all the eligibility criteria listed above.
  • Enrollment and Deferral: The scholarship is valid only for enrollment in the 2024/2025 academiejaar. If you choose to defer your admission to the following year, the scholarship offer will be withdrawn.
  • Application Procedure: If you are a new, international student admitted to a full-time Physics Master’s program for the 2024/2025 academic year by July 31st, 2024, and meet all eligibility requirements, you will be automatically considered for the scholarship. There’s no separate application needed.
  • Award Notification: Scholarship recipients will be informed starting from January 17th, 2024.
  • Limit on Scholarship Awards: You can only receive one scholarship per academic year from the University of Strathclyde.
  • Scholarship Decisions: The Faculty of Science has the final say on who gets the scholarships. Their decisions are final, and there’s no appeals process.

By meeting these criteria and following the application process, international students can access valuable financial support for their education at the University of Strathclyde Glasgow. This scholarship award is a testament to the university’s commitment to supporting and empowering international students to achieve their academic goals in the UK.

Wat betreft Helen Bassey

Studeer onderweg en krijg toegang tot alle bronnen vanaf je mobiel, I'm Helena, een blogschrijver die een passie heeft voor het plaatsen van inzichtelijke inhoud in de onderwijsniche. Ik geloof dat onderwijs de sleutel is tot persoonlijke en sociale ontwikkeling, en ik wil mijn kennis en ervaring delen met leerlingen van alle leeftijden en achtergronden. Op mijn blog, vindt u artikelen over onderwerpen als leerstrategieën, online onderwijs, loopbaan begeleiding, en meer. Ik verwelkom ook feedback en suggesties van mijn lezers, dus laat gerust een reactie achter of neem op elk gewenst moment contact met mij op. Ik hoop dat je mijn blog met plezier leest en het nuttig en inspirerend vindt.

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