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Windows-server 2008 R2 – Exams prep: 70-640, 70-642, 70-646

Windows-server 2008 R2 – Exams prep: 70-640, 70-642, 70-646

Prijs: $94.99


Get prestigious Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) titel.

This course will prepare you for following exams:

– (70-640) Windows-server 2008 basisconfiguratie en we gaan naar rollen en functies zoals Hyper-V, configureren

– (70-642) Windows-server 2008 Netwerk infrastructuur, configureren

– (70-646) Windows-server 2008, Server Administrator

More information about the exams, you will fiind on Microsoft’s website.

Those who already have this certificate are vieved as IT sector experts. To pass the Microsoft test you have to answer questions on network creation, creating and configuring trees, forests and assigning authorization and Active Directory tools.

The certificate opens up new paths of career development, giving you the best way to document your knowledge of Microsoft server administration. The course prepares you to pass the exam with ease, and to bring you closer to the renowned certificate.

The Windows Server 2008 R2 course includes theoretical lectures as well as many practical demonstrations.

The course is meant for anyone with a basic grasp of Windows use and network familiarity, and for those beginning or already administrating Windows Server 2008.

Na voltooiing, course users will be able to:

explain Windows Server 2008 and Active Directory problems

install Windows Server 2008 and Active Directory

complete system configuration

create user accounts, perform administrative duties

add computers and groups using the Active Directory system

– Gebruikers beheren, groups and computers in a network

manage access to shared network resources and individual users

secure the computer from network attacks, create a FireWall and make a backup copy.

This Windows Server 2008 R2 course is the only one in market that is so user friendly, set in a pleasant environment, comprehensively introducing Windows server administration. Aarzel niet, become an system administrator today!


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