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Zoho CRM and Zoho Creator Masterclass

Zoho CRM and Zoho Creator Masterclass

Prijs: $44.99

I’ve been working as a certified Zoho CRM/Creator consultant for over four years and have picked up a fair bit of knowledge along the way. This course is my attempt to distill everything I’ve learnt so that you can reach the same level of expertise. You’ll learn everything from the basics of setting up a new CRM account to advanced Deluge scripting and API integration between Zoho products and third party APIs. The course contains many hours of video content as well as quizzes and assignments to help embed the knowledge.

This course is not meant for people who have never used Zoho products before. You need some base level understanding of the products (ideally you’ll have been using Zoho CRM/Creator for at least 2 maanden) otherwise it will all go over your head.

Forewarning: the content is challenging. It ramps up in difficulty very quickly. The objective of the course is to help you reach an advanced level of proficiency with Zoho CRM and Creator quickly. It focuses heavily on automation and custom functions using Deluge.


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