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Brain Science: Improve Your Memory & Boost Your Memory

Brain Science: Improve Your Memory & Boost Your Memory

Preço: $99.99

Somos o provedor número um do mundo de cursos de autodesenvolvimento e terapia artística, Com mais de 180,000 alunos em 192 países.

This course is the perfect choice for both individuals and professional therapists looking to expand and enhance their repertoire and portfolio. Although the course alone won’t qualify you as a therapist, many of my students that are considering a career in coaching, take the course so they can advertise themselves as a professional coach that uses Brain Science techniques in order to double their memory performance, and pass this knowledge on to their clients.

Brain Science: Improve Your Memory and Boost Your Memory

Are you forgetful? Do people refer to you as being “absent minded?” When was the last time you didn’t struggle to remember somethingeven if they’re very important?

If that sounds like you then stay tunedthis brain science: improve your memory and boost your memory online course, is just what you’ve been looking for!

It transpires that there is not so thing as a “bad” memory. There are merely people who don’t use their memories to the fullest potential.

What would you do if you could double your memory performance starting today? Would you go back to school? Maybe learn a new language, you might even feel confident enough to change profession and climb the corporate ladder?

In fact there aren’t any areas of your life that wouldn’t be improved, just by having a better command of your memory, and that’s just what this brain science: improve your memory and boost your memory online course provides.

During the course you’ll be exposed to knowledge about how human memory works and learn an entire range of tried and tested methods all designed to super charge your memory and recall, ensuring the information you wish to retain, stays with you!

This brain science: improve your memory and boost your memory online course is very practical and gets to work right away.

You’ll learn a variety of strategies that each suit a different memory scenario. They’re all very easy to learn and incredibly rewarding to master. Best of all you’ll be able to track your progress along the way. There are many downloadable exercises, all designed to improve your memory and boost your memory.

Como em todos os meus cursos. you’ll have a lifetime access and full support seven days a week.

Can you really afford to keep struggling to remember while others pass you by? Sign up now for this life changing course before you forget!

As well as eight different quizzes, this brain science: improve your memory and boost your memory online course syllabus includes:

About Brain Science

How Good is Your Memory

A Little Bit About Memory

Observation Challenges

Memory Warm Up Exercises

Why Do We Forget

Laying The Foundation for Good Memory

Keeping a Check on Your Stress Levels

Drawing for Better Memory

Brain Exercises

Using Acronyms and Acrostics

Rhyme Keys

Method of Loci


Remembering Names and Faces

Top Tips for Bolstering Your Memory


Mind Mapping


Sobre arkadmin

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