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Royal Academy of Engineering Scholarships UK 2024

Discover the transformative opportunities offered by the Royal Academy of Engineering through its Enterprise Fellowships program, inviting international students worldwide to pursue doctoral studies and drive innovation in engineering. This initiative is dedicated to nurturing inventive and enterprising engineers who exhibit exceptional innovation and aspire to further develop their ideas.

About the Royal Academy of Engineering

Estabelecida em 1976, the Royal Academy of Engineering stands as a prestigious institution in the United Kingdom, committed to fostering engineering excellence and innovation. Serving as a national academy, it brings together leading professionals and bright minds in engineering to advance the field through collaboration, Educação, and advocacy. Renowned for its dedication to excellence, the Academy serves as a hub for engineers across various disciplines, supporting them in their endeavours to address complex challenges and drive societal progress. Em seu núcleo, the Royal Academy of Engineering champions innovation, pesquisa, and education, offering resources, orientação, and programs that empower engineers to make a meaningful impact. From supporting emerging talents to facilitating collaborations between industry leaders, academic institutions, and government bodies, the Academy plays a vital role in driving innovation, sustainability, and technological advancements for the betterment of society. Through its extensive network, the Royal Academy of Engineering influences policy fosters interdisciplinary research, and shapes the future of engineering. Leveraging partnerships, knowledge-sharing platforms, and strategic collaborations, the Academy catalyzes transformative change, ensuring that engineering remains at the forefront of addressing global challenges and creating a more prosperous and sustainable world.

Degree Level and Available Subjects

The Royal Academy of Engineering Enterprise Fellowships for the academic year 2024-25 in the UK are available for post-doctorate level programs at the Royal Academy of Engineering. The scholarship program covers a wide range of subjects, including but not limited to:

  • Engenharia

Scholarship BenefitsThe Enterprise Fellowships offered by the Royal Academy of Engineering provide recipients with a range of valuable benefits, Incluindo:

  • Grant of up to £75,000 without equity obligation for startup funding.
  • Access to experienced business mentors and coaches for expert guidance.
  • Specialized business training over fifteen days to enhance entrepreneurial skills.
  • Inclusion in the Academy’s Equality, Diversidade, and Inclusion toolkit to foster a supportive environment.
  • Membership in a diverse community comprising Hub Members, Academy Fellows, investors, industry experts, and partners.
  • Access to flexible workspace at the Taylor Centre, the program’s physical hub.
  • Lifetime membership to the hub for ongoing support and engagement within the community.

Eligibility Criteria and Application Process

  • Eligible Nationalities: Open to International Students of all nationalities.
  • Language Requirement: Proficiency in English is mandatory.
  • Critério de eleição: Applicants must meet specific requirements related to their innovation, technology readiness level, business equity investment, intellectual property ownership, and leadership role within the venture.
  • Procedimento de aplicação: The application process involves two stages, requiring candidates to register, complete an initial overview, and then provide detailed information about themselves, their team, tecnologia, and business model.

Prazos de inscrição

  • Estágio 1: agosto 29, 2024 (Opens in January)
  • Estágio 2: Outubro 2024

Sobre Helen Bassey

Oi, Eu sou Helena, um redator de blog apaixonado por postar conteúdos interessantes no nicho educacional. Acredito que a educação é a chave para o desenvolvimento pessoal e social, e quero compartilhar meu conhecimento e experiência com alunos de todas as idades e origens. No meu blog, você encontrará artigos sobre tópicos como estratégias de aprendizagem, Educação online, orientação profissional, e mais. Também agradeço comentários e sugestões de meus leitores, então fique à vontade para deixar um comentário ou entrar em contato comigo a qualquer momento. Espero que você goste de ler meu blog e o considere útil e inspirador.

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