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'Repeat After Me' de Ryan’ Curso de Conversação IELTS!

Preço: $19.99

Do you agree with this statement: IELTS Speaking is the most difficult part of the exam?

You are not alone! The speaking section is often reported to be what holds candidates back from IELTS success. Many candidates do not feel confident when they are speaking, and this causes performance shortcomings to compound into larger and larger problems, such as unnatural speaking delays, fillers (such as ‘um’), stuttering, misunderstanding the examiner, a shaky voice, and general pacing problems (speaking too fast or too slow). To make matters worse, when candidates receive a disappointing score in IELTS Speaking, they often don’t even know why. How can you fix a problem when you don’t know what it is?

These are exactly the challenges that are addressed by this course. In these videos, you will not only experience an IELTS band 9 speaking demonstration, but you will also speak every line of it yourself!

Primeiro, let me introduce myself as your instructor. My name is Ryan Higgins, and I have built a proud career around coaching candidates online for IELTS success. (I’ve been active in the online IELTS space for 15+ years and have over 250,000 YouTube subscribers!) This course is one of my ‘repeat after me’ exercises, which have become extremely popular around the world as a natural way to improve the candidate’s language and confidence when engaging the IELTS Speaking exam. In the videos, você irá (1) hear the candidate’s response (2) see the response written on the screen, e então (3) repeat the response. It’s a simple but powerful approach that forces candidates to adjust their speaking to sound like that of a native English speaker.

Don’t take my word for it. Literally thousands of IELTS candidates have expressed praise for this new study strategy. Some comments include:

Hey Ryan! Love from Punjab, Índia. I adopted your speaking and writing style and got overall band 8. Nowadays I work as an IELTS instructor. Thank you so much again.” -Ammy Singh

Thank you very much for this video! As when we lift weights for the first time, our muscles get soreafter this video my face is sore as well.” -Jornada Calistenica

I wanted to thank you for your service and videos.” -Ham S. (band 8 in speaking)

“Uau! I’m amazed by this series of great exercises! They’re really helpful!” -Angelina Fujioka

Thank you so much for this wonderful practice. My jaw muscles are getting used to English speaking. Excellent lesson.” -Sattawut Wongwiangjunt

It is great!!!! Muito obrigado))))” -Irina Stepanova

I have completed the IELTS test and got 8.0 for speaking! This is highest among all my classmates.” -Mr Zhu

If you are ready to take control of your IELTS Speaking performance, join this course and become an IELTS Speaking success story. I put my name and reputation behind my online IELTS products, and I guarantee you will experience IELTS Speaking improvement through this course.

Sobre arkadmin

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