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Parte Social e Emocional 2- O que é Inteligência Emocional?

Parte Social e Emocional 2- O que é Inteligência Emocional?

Preço: $19.99

Emotional Intelligence is a part of you that affects every aspect of your life. Understanding the root causes of your emotions and how to use them can help you to effectively identify who you are and how you interact with others.

Experience is not what happens to you – it’s how you interpret what happens to you.

Aldous Huxley

Emotional Intelligence is a part of you that affects every aspect of your life. Understanding the root causes of your emotions and how to use them can help you to effectively identify who you are and how you interact with others. With Emotional Intelligence being a fairly new branch of psychology, its definition can be found in various theories and models. We are presenting a definition influenced by a few theories, and mainly popularized by Daniel Goleman’s 1995 book Emotional Intelligence

Sobre arkadmin

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