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Certified Security Principles+

Certified Security Principles+

Цена: $89.99

This course will introduce students to IT security, as well as teach them about risk management, understanding of cryptography, understanding identity and access management, managing data security, managing network security, managing server/host security, application security for non-developers, understanding mobile device security (Интернет вещей), managing day to day security, and understanding compliance and auditing.

This course begins with an introduction to IT security, and proceeds to a discussion of risk management in terms of risks and vulnerabilities, cryptography in terms of encryption algorithms and usage, identity and access management including authorization and monitoring, managing data security, managing network security, managing server/host security and application security for non-developers. Mobile device security is covered with reference to the Internet of Things (Интернет вещей). The course concludes with a discussion of managing day to day security and understanding compliance and auditing.

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