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Облачная безопасность с Microsoft Azure для начинающих

Облачная безопасность с Microsoft Azure для начинающих

Цена: $94.99


Добро пожаловать в “Облачная безопасность с Microsoft Azure для начинающих” курс.

Cloud computing is now one of the trending technologies and our future will be shaped by cloud computing.
The widespread use of cloud services by individuals and the move of many companiesdata centers and on-premises servers to the Cloud increases the importance of securing data in the cloud. As companies move their IT assets to the public cloud, security will still be one of the main concerns for this transition.

In the traditional IT approach, the security of IT assets is the responsibility of the information security or Infrastructure team in the company, but security in the cloud is not only the responsibility of the security team of the companies due to the overlapping roles.

With the introduction of Cloud Architecture, the infrastructure team that builds and maintains the servers, as well as the software team that develops the applications on these servers, therefore the DevOps team is equally responsible for cloud security. In a cloud shared responsibility model, organizations are still responsible for security in the cloudincluding their datawhile cloud providers are only responsible for the security of the cloud.

In this course you’ll learn the fundamentals of cloud computing, as well as how to secure your infrastructure on Microsoft Azure Cloud computing services.

This course includes theoretical lessons and hands-on demos to help you gain practical experience in Cloud Security on Microsoft Azure.

At the end of the course you will learn;

  • What is the Cloud?

  • What are the three models of cloud service?

  • Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

  • Platform as a service (PaaS)

  • Software as a service (SaaS)

  • What are the differences between:

  • Public Cloud vs Private Cloud vs Hybrid Cloud?

  • What are the responsibilities of Cloud Service Providers?

  • What is the shared responsibility model?

  • How can we define the security scope of Cloud Computing?

  • What are the Cloud Security Frameworks?

  • SANS

  • Cloud Security Alliance

  • NIST

  • What are Cloud Threats?

  • How to manage Identity and Access in the Azure portal

  • How to configure security services?

  • How to manage Azure Cloud Security Operations?

  • How to configure Azure Key management?

  • How to configure Azure PIM?

  • How to configure Azure Role Based Access Control – RBAC?

  • How to set up Multi-Factor Authentication to access Azure?

Step-by-Step Way, Simple and Easy With Exercises

Video and Audio Production Quality

All our videos are created/produced as high-quality video and audio to provide you the best learning experience.

You will be,

  • Seeing clearly

  • Hearing clearly

  • Moving through the course without distractions

You’ll also get:

Lifetime Access to The Course

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