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Computers: Progress to Professional. How to master computers

Computers: Progress to Professional. How to master computers

Цена: $19.99


My name is Warrick, I’m a Professional Computer Technician.

Have you ever struggled with a slow unresponsive computer? I used to think’This is as good as it gets, computers get slower the longer you own them, then you buy a new one……that’s just life!». But then as I got older and a little wiser, I learnt to make these machines work the way they were meant to, and what I learnt was not that complicated!

В этом курсе, I am going to show you simple step by step instructions that can turn your computer around and get it back to it’s former glory and make it even better! Лучше всего, after this course, you will be able to boot up or flip open any computer or laptop and carry out the simple operations that I will teach you in this course.

But not only will I teach computer maintenance, I will also show you some ultimate tips and tricks that you will probably use for the rest of your life, due to their simplicity and well…. just sheer awesomeness! You can also expect regular educational announcements every time I update the course with new and useful tutorials.


This course is designed for any person, в любом месте, независимо от того what you do, независимо от того if your computer is brand new or used!

Put the kettle on, boot up and let’s get started!

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