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Creating and Managing Azure Virtual Machines with PowerShell

Creating and Managing Azure Virtual Machines with PowerShell

Цена: $24.99

Azure virtual machines provide a fully configurable and flexible computing environment. This course will teach you how to perform the most common day-to-day tasks in Azure PowerShell, в том числе:

  • Installing and Configuring PowerShellGet
  • Installing and Configuring the AzureRM PowerShell Module
  • Connecting to Azure with PowerShell
  • Creating Resource Groups with PowerShell
  • Deploying Virtual Machines Using PowerShell
  • Connecting to Virtual Machines Using PowerShell
  • Creating and Attaching Data Disks with PowerShell
  • Locating New VM Images with PowerShell
  • Deploying VMs from Alternate Images Using PowerShell
  • Working with Marketplace Publishers
  • Resizing a Virtual Machine via PowerShell
  • Viewing and Modifying VM States with PowerShell
  • Managing Virtual Machines with PowerShell
  • Deleting VMs and Resource Groups with PowerShell

К концу этого курса, you will have learned how to perform many day-to-day VM management tasks using PowerShell exclusively. The skills you learn in this course will set you apart from many other IT professionalssince most IT professionals avoid PowerShell like the plague.

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