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Effective Learning – Learn to Learn

Effective LearningLearn to Learn

Цена: Бесплатно

In this course you will learn the truth about effective learning. There is a lot of false information floating around and this course is made to counter that.

In this course you are not learning about my google results, this course is made thru painstaking reading and personal research. You will learn a lot of new ideas and concepts about learning and I can give you a 100% гарантия, that you will learn something new. How can I give you that 100%? Что ж… a lot of the ideas presented in this course are not found anywhere in the web, because they do not offer a quick fix or supperficial observation.

Caution! You will not become super learner or super memorizer after this course. It is your job to take concepts from this course and develop them on your own.

Do you want to invest in yourself for the long run or do you just want to be fascinated by movie character with outstaning memory and learning skills? This course does not offer tipical perspective that is inline with the hopes and dreams of average TV-Series viewer. This course is ment to give you the right tools to boost your learning.

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