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H10: Гибкое управление проектами в здравоохранении, Plain & Простой

H10: Гибкое управление проектами в здравоохранении, Простой & Простой

Цена: $34.99

Information Systems (IS) or Information Technology (ЭТО), as it is sometimes called, are playing a critical role in all our healthcare organizations today. They are permeating our hospitals, our clinics, our homes, our pharmacies and every aspect of our lives. If implemented correctly they have the potential of making healthcare processes more efficient and maximizing patient and user experience. If implemented incorrectly, they can wreak havoc.

The topics covered in thisProject Management and Agile in Healthcarecourse are:

  • Conventional Pert and Gannt chart techniques in project planning

  • Examples from the non healthcare world

  • Agile planning techniques

  • Examples from the healthcare world

The basic concepts behind Healthcare Information Systems are often presented in a very complex, difficult to understand style. это “PLAIN AND SIMPLEseries on Healthcare Information Systems is different. It strives to introduce the basic concepts of information technology and systems in a very simple and easy to understand format using many examples from both non healthcare and healthcare environments. This course is targeted at the entry level (Basic and Intermediate Level) learner.

The content of the series is based on the author’s 35 years experience in the healthcare information systems business. This experience spans product design and launch, маркетинг, business development and executive management (including president). In addition it is based on 15 years teaching at the graduate level in the University environment.


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