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Добро пожаловать в Scholarsark.com! Ваша регистрация даст вам доступ к использованию больше возможностей этой платформы. Вы можете задавать вопросы, вносить свой вклад или дать ответы, просматривать профили других пользователей и многих других. Зарегистрироваться!

How to Become a Virtual Assistant

How to Become a Virtual Assistant

Цена: $29.99

Learn how to start and grow a successful Virtual Assistant business, so you can work from home and have more of a work-life balance!

I’ve taken my 10 years of experience as a corporate PA and Virtual Assistant and packed it into video trainings, рабочие тетради, plug in + play templates and resources to get your business up and running ASAP.

I’ll take you through the process of how to choose your services, how to decide on an hourly rate or package rate, how to discover your brand personality and design your branding, how to find and convert clients consistently, all of the legal & financial business essentials, setting up your organizational systems and how to track and reach your goals.

Modules include:

Choosing your services

Setting your prices

Creating your brand & логотип

Choosing your business name

How to get clients fast

Business essentials (legal & Узнать что)

Working with clients

Setting goals for growth


  • Done-for-you client onboarding system (Trello)

  • Вести & outreach tracker

  • Client outreach email templates

  • Proposal template

  • Discovery call & Kick-Off call templates

  • Branding board template

  • Ценообразование & expenses calculators

После прохождения этого курса, you’ll be more than ready to start finding and working with clients!

If you have any questions at all, just let me know and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

I can’t wait to see you in there!


Около arkadmin

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