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Миграция с Microsoft Exchange на O365

Миграция с Microsoft Exchange на O365

Цена: $19.99

Using third-party tools to perform Exchange-to-O365 migrations can be extremely costly, especially for small businesses with very little IT budget. Using the FREE native tools that Microsoft provides vastly reduces hard costs, but using them can be confusing. Как таковой, I’ve authored this outstanding course on migrating email from on-premises Exchange to Office 365 using Microsoft’s native tools.

В этом курсе, the student will learn how to prepare for (and perform) a cut-over migration from an on-premises Microsoft Exchange 2010 server to Office 365 / Exchange Online.

Topics covered include:

  • Setup of the O365 Tenant Account
  • Verifying Domain Ownership
  • Preparing Active Directory for the Migration
  • Preparing the On-Premises Exchange Org for Migration
  • Connecting O365 to Your Exchange Email System
  • Migrating Mailboxes to O365
  • Performing the Cutover to O365
  • Re-Routing Email to Office 365
  • Assigning Licenses to O365 Users
  • Post-Migration Tasks & Cleanup
  • Migrating Public Folders to O365
  • Configuring Azure AD Connect to Sync AD to O365
  • Decommissioning the On-Premises Exchange Server

Mitsubishi GX работает, the student will be able to successfully plan, prepare for, and perform a cut-over migration from Exchange 2010 to Office 365 using the native tools that Microsoft provides.

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