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Personal Success Breakthrough – Учить, Execute, Achieve ®

Personal Success Breakthrough – Учить, Execute, Achieve ®

Цена: $94.99

Personal Success doesn’t happen by luck. There is no magical formula behind success. However there are tools and knowledge that you can acquire and master to get from where you are to where you want to be.

В этом курсе, вы узнаете много разных тем:

  1. You Will Be Able To Achieve A Personal Breakthrough That Can And Will Change Your Life Leading To Personal Success

  2. Learn The Principles Behind Your Psychological And Behavioral Structure From A Breakthrough Standpoint.

  3. Understand Your Memory, Your Cognitive Ability And Your Mental Structure And Use It To Your Advantage

  4. Learn The Concepts Of Social And Cognitive Plasticity To Achieve The Desired Breakthrough And Personal Success

  5. Find The Inner Version Of Yourself, To Be Standout In Your Today’s Competitive World

  6. Learn To Build Personal Success Habits, Eliminate Detrimental Habits, And Change Undesired Habits

  7. Increase Your Level Of Productivity To Achieve The Desired Level Of Personal Success

  8. Improve Your Focus Ability And Creative Imagination

  9. Enhance Critical Thinking And Problem-Solving Ideology

В этом курсе, you will get equipped with everything you need to succeed in any desired area in life and achieve Personal Success. From time management, to cognitive enhancement, focus and brain storming strategies, you will take yourself to a whole new level.

If you’ve been striving to succeed in life and you haven’t got there yet, ты в правильном месте, at the right time, and you know exactly what to do.

Около arkadmin

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