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Самоуверенность & Тренировка уверенности

Самоуверенность & Тренировка уверенности

Цена: $119.99

Мы являемся ведущим в мире поставщиком курсов саморазвития и арт-терапии., с более 180,000 студенты в 192 страны.

Self Confidence and Assertiveness Training Course:

This self confidence course: self confidence reap the benefits of self confidence, is going to empower you and elevate your self-confidence to a whole new height!

When it comes to asking people what it is that they would like more of, along with money, having self-confidence and being more assertive is probably at the top of the list. В конце концов, having self-confidence can give us a huge advantage and is responsible for propelling us in our careers, our love life, and how we view ourselves as a whole. This in turn, has a knock on effect on how we feel about ourselves and ultimately our self-esteem.

Having self-confidence will give you the courage to take chances and risks that you might not ordinarily take advantage of. Having belief in yourself will ensure you never let an opportunity pass you by and you’ll discover what it means to realise your full potential.

This self confidence and assertiveness training course will afford you a deeper sense of self-confidence and will help you know your strengths and weaknesses and use these to your benefit.

You’ll be able to utilise your newfound self-confidence to challenge yourself and overcome hurdles you would never have dared to previously.

As with all of my courses, this self-confidence and assertiveness training course comes with full support from me 7 дней в неделю.

Whatever it is you’d like to achieve I can get you where you want to be. I’ll show you how you develop long term strategies to build on your self-confidence as well as someemergencystrategies that you can put into place when the moment calls for it!

This comprehensive confidence and assertiveness training course has over 80 лекции and are all downloadable. You’ll also find all the resources you’ll need to take the course included.

Introduction To Self-Confidence

DownloadablesAll in One Place

Let’s Talk About Self-Confidence

Quotes on Self-Confidence

What Are Beliefs

Belief and BiasA Match Made in Hades

Belief and BiasThe Trudy and Michael Scenario

Belief and Bias – Заключение

Practical Ways to Help Bolster Your Self-Confidence

Just Too Ignorant: The Dunning-Kruger Effect

The Imposter Syndrome Curse

The Character Method of Self Knowledge

Mental Confidence Builder

Five Exercises To Build on Your Self-Esteem

Why Do We Want Self-Confidence in The First Place

Self-Confidence and Fear

Knowledge as The Enemy of Fear

The Swish Technique

Body Language for Self-Confidence

Emergency Self-Confidence

Seven Day Confidence Challenge

Being Confident in Conversations

Being Confident in Negotiations

Being Confident in Romance

Some Things You May Not Have Known About Confidence


The DEAL Model

The STAR Model

The OWN Your Fears Model

The R & R Principles Model

В “Try it and See” Модель

More About Self Esteem

Self Critical Thinking

Thinking Patterns and Dealing with them

The Impact of Self Limiting Beliefs

Understanding and Explaining These Beliefs

Valuing Yourself

Your Rights and The Rights of Other People

Creating Abilities out of Enjoyment

Affirmations Checklist

AND much much more!

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