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Добро пожаловать в Scholarsark.com! Ваша регистрация даст вам доступ к использованию больше возможностей этой платформы. Вы можете задавать вопросы, вносить свой вклад или дать ответы, просматривать профили других пользователей и многих других. Зарегистрироваться!

Возможности бесплатного обучения для студентов

Возможности бесплатного обучения для студентов

У многих студентов возникали вопросы о том, где и как они могут продвигать свои различные программы, которые приходят им в голову по мере их окончания.. Что ж, вот хорошие новости, there are lots of tuition-free study opportunities for students seeking to add a feather to the academic cap through obtaining a master degree in their field of study.

International Monetary Fund Internship Program 2020-2021

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is now accepting applications from Ph.D.and Master’s degree students for its 2019 paid internship program at IMF headquarters in Washington D.C. The deadline for submission of applications for the IMF Internship program is 6th January annually.


OTS/Talent Master Grant Faculty of Arts for students of University of Groningen, Нидерланды, 2020

Applications are ongoing for OTS/Talent Grant Faculty of Arts at the University of Groningen, Нидерланды. The Talent Grant offered is approximate. 50% of the annual tuition fee, in monthly instalments. Eligible students are, следовательно, invited to apply for tuition-free study opportunities like the University of Groningen Master scholarships for Arts students.


World Bank Short Courses Scholarships for Developing Countries 2020 [ОБНОВЛЕНО]

The World Bank is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. The World Bank awards scholarships to students from developing countries offering short courses in 2020.


Hallym University Master’s and Doctoral Scholarships for International Students in South Korea, 2020

The Dept. of Biomedical Gerontology, Graduate School, Hallym University is inviting applicants from applicants passionate and competent in research for the best Korean scholarship for graduate studies, sponsored by the Korean Government.


John Monash Scholarship Program 2020

John Monash Scholarship programs are special sponsorship programs for outstanding and excelling, top-notch graduate students. The program was first inaugurated to honor General Sir John Monash, who was one of Australias finest leaders.


DAAD Scholarships For All Students-APPLY NOW

DAAD scholarship is one of the awards in Germany among other international scholarship opportunities for students that are fully-funded. This scholarship is designed to take care of the awardee’s tuition and other educational needs including books, кормление, и транспорт.


Stanford Africa MBA Fellowship 2020

Stanford GSB is excited to contribute to the region’s human and economic development by educating leaders committed to making an impact on the continent through The Stanford Africa MBA Fellowship 2020The Stanford Africa MBA Fellowship Program pays for tuition and associated fees (approximately US $170,000) for citizens of African countries with financial need.

кредит: worldscholarshipforum.com

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