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成为敏捷教练 | 心态, 构架, 工具, 技能

成为敏捷教练 | 心态, 构架, 工具, 技能

价格: $94.99

美国敏捷教练的平均年薪约为 $138,000 对敏捷专业人士的需求不断增加. 市场上有很多与敏捷相关的认证 (PMI-ACP, Scrum大师, 安全从业者等等), 但他们中的大多数都专注于某个框架, 而敏捷教练职业需要对一系列框架以及基本原则和价值观的深刻理解. 取决于团队和产品, 您需要定制现有框架或从头开始创建新框架.

本课程将教您所有敏捷基础知识以及高级概念, 任何成功的教练都需要具备的工具和技能.

我将从教你敏捷的基础开始: 敏捷原则, 产品开发流程, different types of users and user research. 然后我们将深入研究产品工作: 用户故事, 产品积压, 规划, 优先排序, 估计和审查. After that we will put all those building blocks together and will talk about specific Agile frameworks: Scrum, 看板, Xtreme Programming, Lean Startup and Scaled Agile. 最后, I will teach you how to work with a team: analyzing product, process and team’s health, improving communication, approaching the Agile transformation and fixing various problems. We will also cover the most popular software such as Jira, Asana, Trello and Monday.

After finishing this course you will have all the knowledge and skills you need to become a successful Agile coach.

本课程包含超过 11 hours of video and downloadable guidebook. It also includes a unique Agile Maturity scorecard which would help you to quickly screen any team’s level of Agile maturity and identify areas for improvements. 最重要的是, 您可以使用 Health Monitor 便利工具.

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