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سجل الآن

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مضمن Linux باستخدام جزء Yocto 2

مضمن Linux باستخدام جزء Yocto 2

السعر: $24.99

Welcome to Embedded Linux using Yocto Part 2

تحديث: 11/10/2020: Added notes used in the course

ماذا ستتعلم في هذه الدورة

  • Various operators which are used by bitbake – ?=,??, =,+=, =+, overriding style syntax, append operators

  • Creating your own layerManual and Automatic

  • Creating your own imagescratch and reusing an existing image

  • Customizing image using IMAGE variables and IMAGE_FEATURES

  • Creating your own recipefor C projects and git projects

  • Logging Functions provided by Yocto

Course Curriculum in Deep

ساعة 1:

ا) Various operators which are used by bitbake

ب) Creating your own layer : Manually and Automatically through script

ج) Verifying whether your layer is yocto compatible or not

ساعة 2:

ا) How to create our own custom image from scratch or reusing an existing image

ب) Looked into various image features provided by core-image.bbclass such as debug-tweaks, selecting a ssh server, read only rootfs etc

ج) Other customization variables related to image recipe

د) Manifest file which contains list of packages generated by the image

ساعة 3:

ا) Basics of Recipes

ب) Important tasks performed by Bitbake in detail

ج) Writing a recipe for simple hello world c program

د) Various Variables used in Recipe (WORKDIR, S, د, PN, PV, PR)

البريد) Explored the WORKDIR

ساعة 4:

ا) ملفات الدخول (Overall Log & Recipe Logs)

ب) Bitbake Logging Functions

ج) -D option of Bitbake

د) Makefile Recipe

ساعة 5:

ا) Automatically fetching the latest revision

ب) Fetching a specific revision

ج) Fetching a branch

د) Fetching a tag

البريد) Fetching a local repository

F) Applying Patch

تأتي هذه الدورة مع ملف 30 يوم ضمان استعادة الاموال!. إذا لم تكن راضيا عن الدورة, ستسترد أموالك

فما تنتظرون, تسجيل الآن واتخاذ الخطوة التالية في إتقان مشروع Yocto


عن arkadmin

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