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تسجيل دخول

سجل الآن

مرحبا بكم في Scholarsark.com! سوف تسجيلك تمنح لك الوصول إلى استخدام المزيد من الميزات من هذا المنبر. يمكنك طرح الأسئلة, تقديم مساهمات أو تقديم إجابات, عرض لمحات من المستخدمين الآخرين، وغيرها الكثير. سجل الان!

Intelligent Anger Management – Take Control, Be Productive

Intelligent Anger ManagementTake Control, Be Productive

السعر: $79.99

Anger is a misunderstood emotion! It is widely assessed to be a destructive emotion with violent tendencies. The invitation in this course is to explore the emotion of anger and notice the energy of it. What possibilities for action exist within the energy of the emotion of anger?

عندما انت learn to harness the power of anger, يمكنك CHOOSE how to show up in conversations and CHOOSE what actions to take to create outcomes and results that have meaning, value and satisfaction for you!

Use the generative power of language and learn to “manage anger” by understanding the story, the body disposition and actions you can take to “step into” and “step out of” anger.

  • Understand the foundation of anger as a story with a predisposition to action.

  • Learn what it means to “be emotional” versus “having emotions”

  • Discover the patterns that set up the path on the “ladder of anger”

  • Learn how you can SHIFT your body, your language into ANOTHER emotion

Discover a 3-Step Framework of working with the emotion of anger and its associated energy. Connect to the whole human being you are by exploring the connections between Body, Emotions and Language!

I want to offer you a framework, a new perspective of the holistic and integrated human being that you are! This perspective may help to incorporate several concepts that you have come across in your quest for managing and working with the emotion of anger.

Anger doesn’t “exist” all by itself. Anger is created, متأخر، بعد فوات الوقت, through a variety of situations, events and conversations that lead to it!

Course Contents And Overview

تحتوي هذه الدورة على 40+ محاضرات و 2.5+ ساعات من المحتوى! It is designed for you if you want to learn to manage anger, annoyance, irritability and more… It is designed for you if you want to move past the potentially “destructive” quality of anger and shift into new possibilities for action.

The material in this course is what I use with my coaching clients so if you are curious about learning to coach yourself from observing your thoughts, ideas and body while exploring anger, هذا بالطبع هو لك!

I strongly believe in 3 key ideas: #1) التعليم learn about what matters to you; #2) تدريبpractice and embody that learning; و #3) قيادةshow upfully and in presencewith others.

Every section in this course is connected and invites you to embody the learning. Each section has some “Action Steps” or “Activity” to help you notice what shows up for you as you to interpret and get to the story of the emotions that you experience.

The more you can practice and apply what you learn in the sections determines the results you’ll get.

الجزء #1 – “Welcome To The Course” – Quickly get started in this section with this short introduction to “Anger Management” through a linguistic process via the two foundational models of the O-A-R and the B-E-L. You are the unique observer of your life. And the unique observer you are has a Body, experiences Emotions and interprets those emotions in Language. There is also an invitation to join the private Facebook group called, “Life Coaching And Vedic Counseling”.

الجزء #2 – “Not Just “الغضب” But Annoyance, Irritability, Rage, Fury And More” – Anger is much more than a single emotion. في الواقع, a quick browse in the dictionary uncovers 120+ related words to “anger”. The more you increase your vocabulary about anger, the more you are able to work with anger and notice it for yourself. When you notice, then you have the POWER to change.

الجزء #3 – “Classifying Anger And The ‘Ladder Of Violence’” – Anger can be destructive but it also has potential to be creative. Learn how anger is classified and discover the “ladder of violence” that causes anger to be built up from small infractions all the way up to violent, destructive expressions.

الجزء #4 – “Invite Anger Into Your Life By Stepping Into AND Out Of Anger” – In this section we learn to work with anger by IDENTIFYING it as an actor would. We “step into” anger and related emotions and notice “Who/What/When/Where/How” it shows up. Then we “step out”. Step in. Step out. Step in. Step out. It’s a constant practise.

الجزء #5 - “Guided Visualizations From ‘3 Steps To Improve Communication Skills’– Here you will learn about the 5 body dispositions and how they cause us to experience certain emotions. Once you learn to move your body in an appropriate way to get satisfactory results, then you have a powerful tool to work with your emotions. The activities in this section invite you to practise moving your body into these dispositions.

الجزء #6 – “Conclusion To “السيطرة على الغضب” And Your Next Steps” – We wrap up this course with the invitation to practise. Approach anger through the intelligent, intellectual perspective of a narrative of injustice. Practise noticing and continue to practise stepping into and stepping out of anger and its related emotions. Then you can move into the investigative part of understanding the linguistic foundation of anger and the associated body shapes that will allow you to take control of the situations, events and conversations in your life!

Course Bonuses!

ستساعدك هذه الدورة على اختبار أفكارك وخططك دون المخاطرة بحرق السبورة #1 – PDF WorksheetGetting ‘Ticked Off’– A 1-page document to help you identify the “Who/What/When/Where/How” you get “ticked off” on the way to “full-blown” anger.

ستساعدك هذه الدورة على اختبار أفكارك وخططك دون المخاطرة بحرق السبورة #2 – PDF Worksheet “Emotions ‘Opposite’ Of Anger” – A 2-page worksheet designed to give you a list of 30 emotions that are “opposite” of anger. When you know that there are other emotions possible, you will have new insight into how these work for you.

ستساعدك هذه الدورة على اختبار أفكارك وخططك دون المخاطرة بحرق السبورة #3 – PDF Worksheet “Synonyms Of Anger” – An 8-page worksheet designed to give you a list of 120 different AND related emotions to anger. Learn to create the distinctions for the “blob” of emotions that anger consists of.

ستساعدك هذه الدورة على اختبار أفكارك وخططك دون المخاطرة بحرق السبورة #4 – PDF WorksheetLadder Of Anger– Use this 1-page document to map out the range of emotions leading to “anger” for you. Make use of the extended vocabulary worksheet to help you out.

ستساعدك هذه الدورة على اختبار أفكارك وخططك دون المخاطرة بحرق السبورة #5 – PDF Worksheet “Stepping Out” – Use this 1-page document and learn how to “Step Out” of any emotion, including anger. Shift your body and shift your mood!

ستساعدك هذه الدورة على اختبار أفكارك وخططك دون المخاطرة بحرق السبورة #6 – MP3 Recordings to practise the 5 Body Dispositions of “Centre, Resolution, الانفتاح, Stability and Flexibility.” Spend time to practise these short 4-8 minute physical activities to embody the body dispositions. You’ll be surprised at what you discover for yourself!

Take Action & يتسجل، يلتحق

انقر “ولكن إذا كان بإمكانك الإجابة بصدق "نعم” now and make the commitment to jump straight into “How To Intelligently Manage Anger And Take Control” for yourself. I know that working with the emotion of anger created shifts within me and resulted in a rewarding personal and professional life.

يمكن لأي شخص استخدام هذا الرمز للبحث عن شهادتك!

Wishing you much success in your journeys,



عن arkadmin

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