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مرحبا بكم في Scholarsark.com! سوف تسجيلك تمنح لك الوصول إلى استخدام المزيد من الميزات من هذا المنبر. يمكنك طرح الأسئلة, تقديم مساهمات أو تقديم إجابات, عرض لمحات من المستخدمين الآخرين، وغيرها الكثير. سجل الان!

مقدمة للتعلم الآلي في اختبارات التحليلات الرياضية & الإجابات - كورسيرا

Step into the dynamic world of sports analytics with engaging quizzes and expert answers on Introduction to Machine Learning in Sports Analytics. Discover how machine learning algorithms are revolutionising the analysis and exploitation of sports data to provide insights into player performance, game strategies and more. These quizzes will serve as a gateway to understanding the application of machine learning in sports, from predictive modelling to performance optimisation.

Whether you are a sports enthusiast fascinated by the intersection of computer science and sports or a data analyst looking to delve into the world of sports analytics, this collection offers valuable insights into the power of آلة تعلم to transform the sports industry. Join us on a journey of data-driven discovery as we explore the fusion of آلة learning and sports analytics to open up new possibilities for understanding and improving sports performance.

لغز 1: Assignment 1

Q1. There are a few main branches of machine learning. When you have the label for your training data and you want to build a model which predicts for that label, what kind of machine learning is that?

  • Supervised
  • تعزيز
  • Artificial
  • Unsupervised

Q2. What is a minority class of data?

  • Labels which are poorly chosen
  • Labels which are easy to predict
  • Labels about demographics of players
  • Labels you have fewer instances for

Q3. Which data do you make available to the machine learning algorithm to learn from?

  • Training data
  • Validation data
  • Evaluation data
  • Testing data

Q4. In my model of the NHL game data I had to deal with the introduction of a new team, the Vegas Golden Knights. For this team I just naively decided to fill the historical stats with just mean values from the other teams. But assume that I took a different strategy, and dropped all games where the Vega Gold Knights played. What is the new metric of accuracy for my model after dropping Gold Knights games from the data?

لهذا السؤال, don’t change the training set size, and the testing set size will shrink automatically. Put your answer in to two decimal places.

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أسبوع 2: Introduction to Machine Learning in Sports Analytics Quiz Answers

لغز 1: Assignment 2

Q1. In a two class linear SVM, what is the street?

  • A random walk of the support vectors
  • A polynomial equation which best represents the classes
  • The two features which create our SVM
  • The hyperplane which separates two classes

Q2. Which function do you call in order to build a model from data in sklearn?

  • نموذج()
  • قطار()
  • يبني()
  • fit()

Q3. What is the purpose of cross validation?

  • To balance data as we get more classes (ملصقات) to predict
  • To get a better estimate as to the accuracy of the final model
  • To build a more accurate model
  • To build a confusion matrix

Q4. Taking a look at the baseball data where we made a multiclass prediction, create a confusion matrix and study it. Which class do we regularly over-predict the most? Provide the label of this class as two capitalized characters (منها مثلا. من عند).

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Q5. Will this class have a higher precision or recall score?

  • يؤدي الضغط المتزايد في الأوعية الدموية إلى إجبار عضلات القلب على الضخ بشكل متكرر وبقوة أكبر مما يجب أن يضخه القلب السليم
  • preceision

أسبوع 3: Introduction to Machine Learning in Sports Analytics Quiz Answers

لغز 1: Assignment 3

Q1. What does it mean for a set of observations to be “pure”?

  • It’s imbalanced with respect to class
  • It’s balanced with respect to class
  • It’s about a Canadian team or player
  • It’s homogenous with respect to class

Q2. For each split, how many features does CART split on at once?

  • 1
  • Any number
  • الكل
  • 0

Q3. What kind of prediction target does an M5P tree make?

  • A label
  • A numeric value
  • An array

Q4. After a descision tree splits on a feature, will it split again on that feature in a subtree?

  • لا
  • يمكن
  • نعم فعلا

Q5. Go back to our NHL game outcome prediction task in observations.csv. Apply a CART DecisionTree to this problem with GridSearchCV over the following parameter space:


Set your cv=10, use accuracy as your metric, and drop the Vegas Golden Knights. Set your training set to be observations[0:800] and your validation set to observations[800:], and use my favorite number for the randomization state. What level of accuracy does your model produce (to four decimal places)?

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Q6. Which set of parameters are the best in the previous model? Input your parameters as a string value of the max_depth:min_samples_leaf, منها مثلا. 5:20 if GridSearchCV found a max_depth=5 and min_samples_leaf=20 the correct answer.

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أسبوع 4: Introduction to Machine Learning in Sports Analytics Quiz Answers

لغز 1: Assignment 4

Q1. If you were making a classifier using two features and you visualized your data and saw it was separated by roughly a 45 الدرجة العلمية, which classifier would you start with first for best results?

  • SVM
  • Confusion Matrix
  • M5P Tree
  • Decision Tree

Q2. What is the purpose of GridSearch?

  • It is a regression mechanism using decision trees.
  • It improves our understanding of the confusion matrix.
  • It helps to prune leaves from large trees.
  • It provides a hyperparameter tuning method.

Q3. Which kind of ensemble method creates multiple classifiers for you with random subsets of data?

  • Boosting
  • Bagging
  • Voting
  • Stacking

Q4. Which kind of modelers can be ensembled together into a voting ensemble for the boxing punch detection problem (choose all that apply)?

Note that the boxing punch detection problem is a classification task.

  • Decision Trees
  • SVMs
  • Polynomial SVMs
  • Linear Regression
  • Logistic Regression
  • Cross Validation
  • Bagging Classifier
  • Gradient Boosting Classifier
  • Packaging Classifier


  • هيلين باسي

    مرحبا, I'm Helena, كاتب مدونة شغوف بنشر محتويات ثاقبة في مجال التعليم. أعتقد أن التعليم هو مفتاح التنمية الشخصية والاجتماعية, وأريد أن أشارك معرفتي وخبرتي مع المتعلمين من جميع الأعمار والخلفيات. على مدونتي, ستجد مقالات حول موضوعات مثل استراتيجيات التعلم, التعليم عبر الإنترنت, إرشاد مهني, و اكثر. وأرحب أيضًا بتعليقات واقتراحات القراء, لذلك لا تتردد في ترك تعليق أو الاتصال بي في أي وقت. أتمنى أن تستمتع بقراءة مدونتي وتجدها مفيدة وملهمة.

    مشاهدة جميع المشاركات

عن هيلين باسي

مرحبا, I'm Helena, كاتب مدونة شغوف بنشر محتويات ثاقبة في مجال التعليم. أعتقد أن التعليم هو مفتاح التنمية الشخصية والاجتماعية, وأريد أن أشارك معرفتي وخبرتي مع المتعلمين من جميع الأعمار والخلفيات. على مدونتي, ستجد مقالات حول موضوعات مثل استراتيجيات التعلم, التعليم عبر الإنترنت, إرشاد مهني, و اكثر. وأرحب أيضًا بتعليقات واقتراحات القراء, لذلك لا تتردد في ترك تعليق أو الاتصال بي في أي وقت. أتمنى أن تستمتع بقراءة مدونتي وتجدها مفيدة وملهمة.

‎إضافة تعليق