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فقدت كلمة المرور

فقدت كلمة المرور الخاصة بك؟ الرجاء إدخال عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك. ستتلقى رابطا وستنشئ كلمة مرور جديدة عبر البريد الإلكتروني.

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تسجيل دخول

سجل الآن

مرحبا بكم في Scholarsark.com! سوف تسجيلك تمنح لك الوصول إلى استخدام المزيد من الميزات من هذا المنبر. يمكنك طرح الأسئلة, تقديم مساهمات أو تقديم إجابات, عرض لمحات من المستخدمين الآخرين، وغيرها الكثير. سجل الان!

Learning how to learn: brain hacks that actually work.

Learning how to learn: brain hacks that actually work.

السعر: $79.99

لماذا تأخذ هذه الدورة ?

All in one :

While I could have made it in several courses, in this single course you will learn every action known to man as of February 2019 to develop a legendary memory, incredible creativity, ninja like focus, uncanny reading speed and comprehension and 1 in a million like IQ. That’s it all in one course, no marketing for other course, no buying other books webinars or whatever. No BS. Take this course, EXERCISE, put in PRACTICE and watch your new life unfold.

هذه الدورة فريدة من نوعها:

لماذا ا? Because it comes from the real world!

هنا, you will find some techniques that are totally novel and others that are described elsewhere and that have been tweaked. ومع ذلك, the one thing that truly sets this course apart is that it comes from the real world! It’s the result of 10 years of using various techniques to learn and teach very dense and complex material, which led me to give up techniques that simply didn’t work (and that continue to be widely celebrated out there), tweak and hack techniques that needed modification to be suited for real life (for e.g. some memory champions use certain techniques to memorize 200 digits of pie, how is that going to help me in my daily life?) and come up with techniques that are new altogether.

Another thing that sets this course apart is that, in most books, it’s all about speed, سرعة القراءة, speed memorization, how to learn this or that in 24 ساعات. Although this course heavily emphasizes about speed and time saving tricks, it’s also about making the learning experience FUN and enjoyable!

So this course is to the point, with only tips that do work no crazy promises, no magic pill. I’m the doctor the pill that does work, so trust me!


Accessing the powers of your brain (let’s call it brainbuilding) is a lot like bodybuilding in that it needs a lot of practice (actually it’s a bit easier than bodybuilding, in that certain tricks do give you instant result). Still you need a lot of practice and this is why this course isn’t all about theoretical principles and is filled with examples and exercises, because we learn by DOING (and that would be your first lesson).

What topics are covered in the course?


Do you happen to forget important stuff? Then you know how frustrating that can be. زائد, it can be of dramatic consequence like failing in a decisive exam. It can also be quite embarrassing like forgetting the name of someone important. No matter what walk of life you are in, forgetting can make you appear very unprofessional if say you were to forget important facts discussed during meetings with coworkers/clients.

With a powerful memory, you can ease up all sorts of learning. Whether you’re learning a new skill, a new language or studying any topic you’ll find valuable insight that’ll make you say “If only I knew earlier”!

This course can help you not only memorize but also UNDERSTAND even the most complex topics (there is no topic your wonderful brain can’t grasp!).

Think of what your life will look like after learning a myriad of new skills, and this course is about how to achieve that QUICKER than ever and the EASY WAY.

إِبداع :

Maybe there’s one thing more annoying than forgetting, and that’s the blank page! How annoying it can be to look at a problem, to try and write a story, to try and draw something truly creative and to only come up with more and more blankness, to the point that you wonder if you really have what it takes to create beauty? No matter if you’re a student, a scientist or an artist we all need creativity to solve problems, coming up with new ideas and concepts and all in all change our lives (و العالم!).

Creative geniuses from all fields (علم, الأدب, الفنون, engineering …etc.) have always fascinated me, and what I came to discover is that most of them had some common habits and ‘tricks’ which make one ponder upon that good old question “are geniuses made or born?". I really believe they are made! And with the insights in this course I have the firm belief that many of you will find the inspiration to enchant and delight us with masterpieces in all fields. Can’t wait to hear about your achievements!


Maybe the one factor most determinant of your chances in life is your ability to focus on one thing, one single thing, till the outcome exceeds all your expectations. It is unbelievable how much human potential, how many potential inventors, الفنانين, millionaires are stuck in lives that are way below what they are meant to be simply because of their (acquired) inability to focus on one action, one thought, one goal as if nothing else existed.

The “zone” that room where there’s only one task and all the rest of the world is plain muted faded out is the one place everyone “wants” to go to, and so few get to.

Distractions cost you time (سنوات) and money and lost opportunity. This course is about giving you all this back while you have FUN because focusing is actually much much less pain than you giving in to distractions.

سرعة القراءة:

Reading a text several times, and realize you don’t have a clue what you just read?

Find reading boring? (more boring than say watching a movie?)

This course is about tripling you read speed while improving your understanding and actually having a lot of FUN with the reading process, because that’s how reading was meant to be!

معدل الذكاء :

Ever wonder if you could actually increase your IQ? and how it would actually feel to have a higher IQ, to actually have an IQ of 190+?

A person’s IQ is one the most important factors that determine his or her success be it with money, love life, skill learning, سعادة, and yes your IQ is a number that can be improved!


عن arkadmin

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