مدرب الحياة نفسك: يجعلون 2021 أفضل عام لديك حتى الآن
السعر: $109.99
نحن أفضل مدربي Udemy في فئة التطوير الشخصي. تم أخذ دوراتنا من قبل أكثر من 300,000+ طلاب سعداء من 195 بلدان.
لدينا مجتمع مزدهر في الدورة ونشارك بنشاط ونجيب على الأسئلة في غضون 24 ساعة.
DISCLAIMER: This is NOT another lame goal-setting program. It provides a proven blueprint for achieving your goals—the one we use for ourselves and our clients.
Are you ready to break through and make this your best year yet?
Even if it’s not the beginning of the “new year” you can ALWAYS set new goals!
Are you feeling motivated and inspired?
Do you feel like you’ll really make the change this time?
Don’t fool yourself.
Even when there is a big push to make RESOLUTIONS during the “new year” انتقال, setting goals (and keeping them) isn’t that simple! This is because the tick from one calendar year to the next takes place on an ordinary day. The excitement of the new year is NOT enough to propel you to your goals.
We’ve worked with 10’s of thousands of people and we’ve seen that year after year they get excited and make commitments, yet only a small percentage follow through and reach their goals.
في الواقع, studies show that only 50% of people make “new year” resolutions, and of those only 8% succeed.
But with that said, we’ve worked with enough people to know that you absolutely CAN make this your best year yet! You CAN change. You CAN achieve your goals!
8% may sound small, لكن YOUR odds could be much, much greater.
What if you could learn what that 8% who succeed did DIFFERENTLY and then do THAT?
That’s what we did. Over years of studying human potential and psychology, coaching and teaching others, and running our own businesses—we’ve learned the 9 reasons why new year’s resolutions fail and what those who succeed do differently.
Reflecting back over the past year we see that we’ve met or exceeded all of our goals. We surpassed our revenue goals, we moved to the beach, we’ve traveled and explored, we’ve improved our health, and we’ve successfully converted most of our life coach training programs into digital courses.
Our clients, family and friends often ask us “how do you do it—what’s your secret?"
And our secret isn’t what you’d think…
We’re not workaholics, in fact we take more time off and spend more time at the beach than ever before.
We’re not smarter or more talented.
We didn’t start out with more resources (في الواقع, our company began while we were both unemployed and living in an extended stay motel).
And no, we don’t have a magic wand.
Our secret—that we’ve used to life coach ourselves and our clients, is that we:
Set specific, actionable, ملهم أهداف
Write a strategic, detailed خطة
Check-in and reprioritize monthly and أسبوعي
We know exactly what steps to take right now
نحن يتعلم from obstacles and remain flexible when opportunities arise
Continue to empower and inspire ourselves through continually learning
What if instead of making another new years resolution that you doubt before you even get started, you made a SOLID, actionable plan based on inspiring goals? What if you knew the 9 reasons why new years resolutions fail so you can avoid those mistakes?
This course has the potential to prepare you to break through!
Are you ready to make this your BEST YEAR YET? لو ذلك تسجيل الآن, نتطلع إلى رؤيتك في الدورة!
يضمن: نحن نعلم أنك ستحب هذه الدورة. ومع ذلك, نحن نقدم ضمان استرداد الأموال لمدة 30 يومًا بدون طرح أسئلة إذا كانت الدورة لا تلبي احتياجاتك لأي سبب من الأسباب.
وبالتالي, من نحن?
نحن جويل & ناتالي ريفيرا, رجال الأعمال المسلسل, المؤلفون, مكبرات الصوت, والمعلمين. لدينا أكثر من عشر سنوات من الخبرة في مجال علم النفس والتدريب على الحياة، وشغفنا الأعظم هو تمكين الآخرين من عيش الحياة وفقًا لشروطهم., تحقيق إمكاناتهم, واحتضان هدفهم الأعظم. تم تصميم جميع برامجنا بناءً على خبرتنا في التدريب, خدمات اجتماعية, علم النفس, والتعليم, وكذلك حصول جويل على درجة الماجستير في الإرشاد والبحوث حول السعادة عن رسالته للدكتوراه في علم النفس.. لدينا أكثر من 300,000+ طلاب من 195 بلدان.
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