Self Motivation Through Fulfillment For Sustained Motivation
السعر: $24.99
Get amazing short-term and long-term motivation that will transform and inspire you to do great work.
If you have projects to work on and responsibilities on which you always seem to be procrastinating because you just can’t seem to find the motivation, this is the ideal course for you.
After having helped thousands of entrepreneurs, I noticed a very common reason for their failure: they simply were not motivated to do the work that they needed to do in order to succeed.
Why weren’t they motivated? It was often because they were simply working on the wrong kinds of businesses, or maybe starting a business wasn’t even for them.
Many people make the mistake of pursuing some random goals in life that they think are their strong goals, but those goals turn out to be false goals that are often given to them by others or by society’s pressures.
بالطبع بكل تأكيد, if you work on the wrong things, you won’t find the right intrinsic motivation to stay excited about your work long term. This is why people often lack motivation.
So in this motivation course, I give you strategies to get short-term motivation to start working today, and strategies to get long-term motivation to work passionately for years to come.
Sign up for the course, and let’s get you more motivated. Give yourself the gift of increased motivation!
خلفية المعلم
لقد كنت رائد أعمال في 15+ سنوات, دربوا 1,000+ رواد الأعمال شخصيًا, يعلم 100,000+ الطلاب, أثرت على الملايين من رواد الأعمال في جميع أنحاء العالم 6 و 7 أرقام في هذه العملية, وأود مساعدتك.
I am an expert growth marketer, and I create winning marketing strategies for my clients all the time. Now it is your turn to grow your business, and fulfill your dreams.
تم تضمين المكافآت
* الكثير من الهدايا المجانية الإضافية, أوراق العمل القابلة للتنزيل, وتمارين لجعل الدورة أكثر تفاعلية وقيمة
* دعوة شخصية لمجتمع Facebook الخاص بي بعد إكمال الدورة التدريبية
* قائمتي من 50 مهارات نجاح الأعمال عند إكمال الدورة
إذا كان لديك أسئلة, know that I am here to help! أجيب 99% of student questions within 24 ساعات. Many students tell me that other instructors don’t respond. حسنا, I do because
1) I care about my students.
2) I feel a responsibility to make sure that students get their money’s worth from the course.
ضمان استعادة الاموال
This motivation course comes with an unconditional, Udemy المدعومة, 30-ضمان استرداد الأموال يوميًا. هذا ليس مجرد ضمان, وعدك شخصيًا بأنني سأبذل قصارى جهدي لمساعدتك على النجاح تمامًا كما فعلت مع الآلاف من طلابي الآخرين.
استثمر في مستقبلك. Enroll now and boost your motivation!
إضافة تعليق
يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول او التسجيل لتستطيع اضافه تعليق .