جودة البرمجيات: 8 مؤشرات الأداء الرئيسية الأساسية لتقييم البرامج
السعر: $94.99
Are your systems build for change?
Are you measuring technical debt?
Are you suffering from low developer productivity?
Is your software riddled with undiscovered software defects / software bugs?
If you can not answer these questions, this course is made for أنت! في غضون one hour you will understand the most important software quality concepts. This knowledge is essential for software quality assurance.
Can you explain this without showing code?
نعم فعلا. The software quality concepts are technology independent and are explained by making use of analogies. This course will provide you with the essential software engineering best practices to measure and وهكذا improve software quality.
وبالتالي, after following this course I’ll become a senior software developer / software quality assurance tester?
لا, ليس تماما. If you were a senior software engineer you should probably already know these quality concepts.
Why should I enroll?
Only enroll when you are new to software quality و want a complete beginners’ perspective. This course is specifically developed for:
– Product owners / project managers / software managers / software architects / quality assurance managers that build software systems, but have no clue how software engineers could write high quality code. This course provides you with software metrics;
– The software metrics are technology independent. This means that it does not matter whether you write Python, C #, C ++, روبي, جافا, جافا سكريبت, تايب سكريبت, Visual Basic, R, بي أتش بي, Cobol, Prolog, اذهب, سريع, كوتلين, Scala, Haskell or Ada. They are independent because the metric measure the programming language’s characteristics. على سبيل المثال, for almost all technologies you can measure the ‘Lines of code’.
– Contract managers. If you manage large contracts that contain software development, this course is will help you solidify your technical requirements in 8 key software metrics that need to be monitored and acted upon.
– Recruiters hiring software engineers;
– Software engineers and software testers that want to refresh their knowledge about software quality;
– Anyone interested in the basics of software quality, explained in layman’s terms.
Here with an analogy to emphasise the importance of understanding software quality (which is fundamental for quality assurance):
Consider the job of a general practitioner (GP). That person needs to know a bit every about the human body. The human body can also be compared to a system with inputs (منها مثلا. يتناول الطعام), معالجة (منها مثلا. functioning of heart) and outputs (عرق). To assess the health of a human system the GP uses general key performance indicators (KPI’s), مثل: heartbeat and temperature. These KPI’s enable the GP to quickly determine whether and what kind of follow up action is necessary. After following this course you’ll understand the KPI’s that can assess a software system.
حسنا, that’s clear! My time is limited, what’s in it for me?
I thought you would never ask! في غضون 1,5 hour this course explains how you can assess 8 software quality metrics that enable software project success. Benefits include:
– Easily explanation of complex software metrics in layman’s terms. Existing documentation on software quality is technical and therefore difficult to comprehend (I have included some concrete examples as a resources that you may want to read for more in-depth knowledge. Please note these document are technical.).
– Unlike most other courses, wait…there are no other courses on software quality!!
– Unlike most other courses, you may actually claim 1 التعليم المهني المستمر (CPE) after finishing this course completely
– I’ve included lots of (تقني) documents that explain software quality in more detail. Please note that these documents contain code and are therefore more suited for people that are writing software.
– That’s not it, there is more…
BONUS Material:
– Additional reading for managers;
– Additional reading for developers (books that provide your developers with a deep-dive into software engineering best practices). They will thank you for recommending these books;
– Overview of software quality tools for software testing, quality assurance and /or performance testing.
Why include bonus material, is the main course not exciting enough?
مرة أخرى, excellent question! Getting software right goes well beyond what I can teach in one hour. With the bonus material, I would like to inform you about the complementary knowledge and measures that should be taken into account.
I’m fully convinced of the benefits, but I don’t see why I should learn all this from you.
صحيح, let me explain by giving you an overview of my experience:
– Chief Information Security Officer (present). Managing Security, Privacy and Quality professionals. Responsible for implementing and maintaining a well balanced organisational risk posture;
– Security and privacy operations manager (2 سنوات). Acting as a security liaison on strategic accounts, I monitor the security of 2500+ workstations, 500+ servers and 10+ firewalls and routers, report on the operational security status of European and Dutch law and integrate intelligence results from AVDS, Check Point, Nagios, Nessus, Palo Alto Traps,SCCM, SCEP, SEP, SCOM and SIEM;
– Parttime PhD Candidate (7 سنوات – present). I read the science, you’ll get the knowledge! What more do you want?
– Software quality consultant (6,5 سنوات). I’ve advised many managers of large / small IT projects on various software related aspects;
– IT auditor (1 عام). I have closely worked with accountants and audited large governmental IT projects;
– Quality assurance engineer (3 سنوات). I have implemented large IT systems for large companies.
You can find more details on LinkedIn on or my profile.
انطلق وانقر على زر التسجيل, and I’ll see you in lesson 1!
في صحتك,
إضافة تعليق
يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول او التسجيل لتستطيع اضافه تعليق .