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تويتر يعلق حساب الرئيس دونالد ترامب

تويتر يعلق حساب الرئيس دونالد ترامب

تم تعليق حساب الرئيس دونالد ترامب على تويتر من المنصة, قالت الشركة مساء الجمعة.

“بعد مراجعة التغريدات الأخيرة بعناية من حسابrealDonaldTrump والسياق المحيط بها, لقد علقنا الحساب نهائيًا نظرًا لخطر المزيد من التحريض على العنف,” قال التغريد.
“في سياق أحداث هذا الأسبوع الرهيبة, أوضحنا يوم الأربعاء أن انتهاكات Twitter الإضافية قد تؤدي إلى مثل هذه الإجراءات.”

جاء قرار تويتر في أعقاب اثنتين من تغريدات ترامب بعد ظهر يوم الجمعة والتي انتهى بها الأمر لتكون الأخيرة.

انتهكت التغريدات سياسة الشركة ضد تمجيد العنف, قال التغريد, و “يجب قراءة التويتين في سياق الأحداث الوطنية الأوسع والطرق التي تم بها تعبئة تصريحات الرئيس من قبل مختلف الجماهير, بما في ذلك التحريض على العنف, وفي سياق أنماط السلوك من هذا الحساب في الأسابيع الأخيرة.”
ركزت التغريدة الأولى على مؤيدي ترامب.
“ال 75,000,000 الوطنيون الأمريكيون العظماء الذين صوتوا لي, أمريكا أولاً وتجعل أمريكا عظيمة مرة أخرى ستحصل على تصويت عملاق في المستقبل. لن يتم إهانتهم أو معاملتهم بشكل غير عادل بأي شكل من الأشكال, صورة أو شكل!!!”

The second pointed out that Trump did not plan to attend Joe Biden’s inauguration.

To everyone who asked, I’m not going to the Jan. 20 افتتاح.
Twitter said the tweet regarding the inauguration could be seen as another statement that the election was not legitimate.

It also said the tweet could be interpreted as Trump’s statement that the inauguration would be a “آمنة” target for violence because he would not attend the election.

Trump’s other statement about American patriots suggests that “يخطط لمواصلة الدعم, empower and protect those who believe he won the election,” قال التغريد.

عناوين حظر تويتر على وجه التحديد “حسابrealDonaldTrump,” ليس ترامب شخصيا.

Twitter will enforce its policy against evading the ban to ensure that Trump does not circumvent the suspension of his personal account, قالت الشركة لشبكة CNN.

If it becomes clear that another account is being used to evade the ban, كما أنه يخضع للتعليق,” وقالت تويتر في بيان.

For government accounts such as @POTUS and @WhiteHouse, we will not suspend those accounts, but will take steps to restrict their use.

ومع ذلك, these accounts will be turned over to the new administration in due course and will not be suspended by Twitter unless absolutely necessary to mitigate real damage.

The Twitter policy would also prohibit Trump from directing a third party to manage the Twitter account on his behalf.

Trump tried to test Twitter’s policy of evading the ban at about 8:30 مساء. ET Friday night when he, or someone acting on his behalf, posted four tweets from his @POTUS account.

As I have long said, Twitter has gone above and beyond in banning free speech, and tonight Twitter staff agreed with Democrats and the radical left in removing my account from their platform to silence me,” غرد ترامب.

اختفت التغريدات على الفور تقريبًا.

Twitter told CNN that Trump’s campaign account was also permanently banned.

قبل تعليق @ TeamTrump, it was seen in the same four-tweet thread that Trump tried to post from the @POTUS account.

After Twitter permanently banned the Trump campaign account, مايك هان, مدير وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي للحملة, countered.

We copied and pasted the White House pool report,” غرد هان.
في وقت سابق من المساء, a White House pool report was circulated that included the exact wording Trump tried to share with his @POTUS Twitter account.

A Twitter spokesman confirmed to CNN that the reason @TeamTrump was banned was because he tried to share the same language that Trump had tried to share on Twitter previously.

Khan argued that it was illogical to allow journalists to share Trump’s words, but Trump’s campaign did not.

The serious question journalists have to ask is: If you publish exactly what the president said, will you be suspended, جدا? Because that’s all we did,” قال هان.

Asked if he sees a difference between journalists writing Trump’s words and the Trump campaign repeating Trump’s words, Twitter told CNN that there is a difference.

There’s a difference between someone who reports on the president and someone who tries to allow the president to use his account to essentially circumvent the ban,” a Twitter spokesman said.

Civil rights leaders, who have long criticized technology platforms for spreading hate speech and division, welcomed Twitter’s decision.
جوناثان جرينبلات, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, called it agreat move.

A fitting end to the legacy of the eruption of hate and vitriol,” قال جرينبلات. “President Trump incited violent riots at the Capitol using social media, and he paid the price.

إريك نينج, المتحدث باسم دعاة المسلمين, said Twitter isshowing real leadership.

كما يلاحظ تويتر, by allowing Trump to continue posting tweets, Facebook posts and YouTube videos to his white nationalist supporters, he risksfurther inciting violence,” قال ناينج.

Twitter leaders should now be monitored by Facebook and Google/YouTube.




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