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Dominio de la inteligencia emocional – Potente control cognitivo

Dominio de la inteligencia emocional – Potente control cognitivo

Precio: $94.99

Emotional Intelligence is one of the most powerful skills you can acquire.

Wherever you are in life, whatever it is that you do, Emotional Intelligence can be a tool that you’d use to take yourself to a whole new level.

What can you expect to achieve:

1) Achieve proper emotional intelligence and create a healthy mind and a spectacular life

2) Learn how to control your behavior and rewire your unwanted personality traits effectively

3) Control and manage your past memories and traumatic experiences

4) Explore how your brain works, how you can change the way its wired, and how you can easily control it

5) Get access to 20+ emotional intelligence exercises and systems that you can use to empower your emotional and mental state

6) Achieve greater control over your habits, pensamientos, emotions and actions

7) Learn how to manage mental health issues with effective research-based systems

8) Al final del curso, you will become a new and enhanced version of yourself

Join us on this journey of self-identification and healing, join us on the journey where everything that is going on in your life, and in your mind will now make sense, join us on a journey where we will help you conquer everything that’s standing between your emotions and your success.

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