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Super aprendizaje: El curso completo de aprendizaje acelerado

Super aprendizaje: El curso completo de aprendizaje acelerado

Precio: $109.99

Would you like to learn faster and memorise information for a longer time? Have you ever though about the brain’s anatomy and wondered, it is possible to store one information in multiple areas of the brain? Entonces este curso es para ti!

En este curso, I will take you from where you are right now and start with you a journey of self-discovery. What kind of learner are you? Are you a visual, auditory, writing and reading or kinesthetic learner? We will discover which kind of learner you are and which one of the eight types of intelligence suits you best.

Here is what you are going to gain from enrolling in this course…

Al comienzo de este curso, Te presentaré el súper aprendizaje y el aprendizaje acelerado.. Te explicaré cómo vamos a combinar ambos conceptos y te mostraré cómo vamos a conectar ambos lados de nuestro cerebro a través de un entrenamiento metódico..

Después, hablaremos de diferentes tipos de aprendizaje como el aprendizaje auditivo, aprendizaje visual, aprendizaje de lectura/escritura y aprendizaje kinestésico que luego conectaremos entre sí para conectar ambos lados de nuestro cerebro. A este respecto, también hablaremos de la 8 diferentes inteligencias, recordar términos clave y ciclos de repetición.

What will you be able to do after watching this course?

  1. Master the art of learning & figure out which kind of learner you are (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, reading/writing)
  2. Discover your secret genius & explore the 8 intelligences (linguistic, logical/mathematical, visual, bodily, musical, emotional/social, interpersonales (inner), and environmental)
  3. Establish sophisticated connections between both sides of your brain & learn about its anatomy
  4. Apply & comprender 37 learning strategies for visual, auditory, kinesthetic and reading/writing learners
  5. Entender el 6 pillars of learning, how to apply them & use them for your studies
  6. Build a proper mindset based on the WWWH principle
  7. Apply 10+ memory strategies, create review cycles and become more self-aware about your study behaviour

Cuando haya terminado con este curso, we will have completely re-wired your brain and you will be capable to increase your learning speed and ability to remember and retrieve information immensely.

While other courses leave you confused, esta es una guía de la A a la Z! The complete course on super learning.

Ahora, Quiero que mis alumnos siempre se sientan cómodos cuando hacen una compra., es por eso que he subido varios videos gratis para que los veas en cualquier momento.


Es hora de actuar. Esta oferta no durará para siempre.

Go ahead and click the take this course right now button and I will see you in the course. Gracias de nuevo por inscribirte!

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