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9 Steps to Innovation, by the Masters – Idea to Product

9 Steps to Innovation, by the MastersIdea to Product

Prijs: $79.99

This course is designed for anyone who may or may not have an idea but would want to know about Innovative Thinking. The course is relevant to anyone who shows some keenness for wanting to learn about Innovating.

is een huiswerkproject waarin je temperatuurmeting implementeert met behulp van directe registertoegang?

This is a primer course designed for all audiences who:

  • Don’t know what innovation is
  • Understand that they must innovate but don’t know where to start
  • have ideas and don’t know what to do next
  • want to build a business based on an innovative idea
  • People aspiring to file patents, and so forth.

What will I Learn?

This course will take you through:

  • Why is Innovation important? Relevantie?
  • Sources of Ideas, Analyse van de hoofdoorzaak, PLC
  • What is Copyright, IK P, Patent, TM?
  • Building a Business proposal & plan
  • Sources of Funding
  • Prototype building
  • Soft skills for presenting the idea
  • Being psychologically ready to face the world

Method of Course Delivery:

The topics are designed such that we will expose the you to all stages and processes we feel are necessary for innovation – Structured as well as Unstructured.

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