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Accelerate your Career: Emotional Intelligence Hacks

Accelerate your Career: Emotional Intelligence Hacks

Prijs: $94.99

Emotional Intelligence is being increasingly appreciated by employers in addition to the other skills, background and experience. Employers know that each decision has an emotional element.

All employers know that emotions have a significant impact not only on our behavior, but as well on our professional performance.

Some companies have also incorporated Emotional Intelligence tests as part of their candidates’ interviews.

Having a high degree of Emotional Intelligence, will make a difference on either you land to the right job or not.

Emotional Intelligence is applicable to every human interaction in business. It brings great brainstorming ideas, it helps with customer service, it enables you to understand how relationships develop and it helps you assess people better.

Emotional intelligence has now been identified as the most important factor in terms of predicting job performance. Hiring managers are looking for people who already possess high Emotional Intelligence, as it enhances workplace outcomes.

If you want to evolve, to feel incredible good inside, to feel powerful, to influence others and to firmly establish yourself as a trusted authority toward your customers, colleagues and stakeholders first thing you need to develop is your Emotional Intelligence.

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