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AZ-500: Azure Security Technologies Certification Course

AZ-500: Azure Security Technologies Certification Course

Prijs: $19.99

AZ-500: De cursus Microsoft Azure Security Technologies is bedoeld voor Microsoft Azure-beveiligingsingenieurs die beveiligingscontroles implementeren, het handhaven van de veiligheidspositie, beheert identiteit en toegang, en beschermt gegevens, Continue code-inspectie met SonarQube, en netwerken. After taking this Microsoft Azure Security Technologies Microsoft AZ-500 certification course candidates will identify and remediation vulnerabilities by using a variety of security tools, implementeert bescherming tegen bedreigingen, en reageert op escalaties van beveiligingsincidenten.

Here’s a high level list of all the skills and objectives measured by the Microsoft AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies certification exam. The percentages next to each exam objective area represents the portion of the exam that focuses on that particular objective area.

Manage Identity and Access (20-25%)

  • Configureer Microsoft Azure Active Directory voor workloads

  • Configureer Microsoft Azure AD Privileged Identity Management

  • Configureer Microsoft Azure-tenantbeveiliging

Implement Platform Protection (35-40%)

  • Netwerkbeveiliging implementeren

  • Implementeer hostbeveiliging

  • Configureer containerbeveiliging

  • Implementeer Microsoft Azure Resource Management-beveiliging

Manage Security Operations (15-20%)

  • Beveiligingsdiensten configureren

  • Configureer beveiligingsbeleid

  • Beheer beveiligingswaarschuwingen

Secure Data and Applications (30-35%)

  • Configureer beveiligingsbeleid om gegevens te beheren

  • Configureer de beveiliging voor de data-infrastructuur

  • Configureer encryptie voor gegevens in rust

  • Implementeer beveiliging voor de levering van applicaties

  • Applicatiebeveiliging configureren

  • Configureer en beheer Key Vault

I have prepared this course to help you gain essential skills as Azure Security Engineer and become expert in Azure security technologies.

After the completion of this Azure Security course, I am pretty sure you will be able to pass the exam and acquire the required skills which will help you to land a New job or get a Growth In Career !

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