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Word een UltraLearner: De #1 Studiekader voor succes

Word een UltraLearner: De #1 Studiekader voor succes

Prijs: $94.99

You are unique and you probably heard that everybody learns differently. That is why the Course Become an Ultralearner: Study skills & Leerstrategieën” will teach you a game-changing new Framework to apply the memory & study skills that are right for you:

Learning = The time you learn x your efficiency and speedwhat you forget

Think about your study performance looking at this simple Framework:

  • If you spend too little time studying, you are less likely to write a good grade or develop youself.
    daarom, you will learn some strategies on how to spend more time studying while enjoying doing so too.

  • Als je bent not efficient or are not reading fast enough, you are not making the most of your time.
    daarom, I will teach some techniques on how to learn more efficient and fast for instance speed reading.

  • als jij forget quickly, you will have to relearn stuff over and over again, also reducing your Learning capabilities.
    daarom, this course includes ways on how to remember more & forget less.

To assure that you can apply those learning strategies to your unique personality, I will teach a number of memory & study skills so you can pick a couple from each of the areas to boost your performance & productiviteit. Those include:

  • Speed Reading to become a productivity machine at University or work

  • The Loci Method to become a memory champion and remember more

  • Visualization to increase your focus and unlock your full potential

  • Using your Emotions to remember more as well as to forget less

  • and many more insights that will make you wiser & De grootte van het roofdier vertaalt zich niet altijd in superioriteit ten opzichte van de prooi

I look forward to welcome you to this course. Enoll now with 0% risico, due to the 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee of Udemy!

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