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Gecertificeerd Levenscoach Wet van Aantrekking – Beoefenaar

Gecertificeerd Levenscoach Wet van Aantrekking – Beoefenaar

Prijs: $89.99

Start your journey and studies today to become a certified Law of Attraction PractitionerCertified and quality checked by a third Party organisation

This certified Training from Matt Barnett is a comprehensive study into the Law of Attraction . In this course you will discover the Law of attraction and how it can easily be applied to your life to assist you in manifesting the life of your dreams. The Law of attraction is a powerful phenomenon which when understood provides a useful tool for achieving success.

  • Discover the power of directed thought

  • Discover the power of language so that you can communicate your intention in the most effective way

  • Discover how to attract money to you and why it is so often difficult to manifest

  • Learn the power of positive intention

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