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Data Analytics Real-World Projects in Python

Data Analytics Real-World Projects in Python

Prijs: $19.99

This is the first course that gives hands-on Data Analysis Projects using Python..

Can you start right now?

A frequently asked question of Python Beginners is: “Do I need to become an expert in Python coding before I can start working on Data Analysis Projects?”

The clear answer is: “Nee!

  • You just require some Python Basics like data types, simple operations/operators, lists and numpy arrays that you can learn from my Free Python course ‘Basics Of Python

As a Summary, if you primarily want to use Python for Data Science or as a replacement for Excel, then this course is a perfect match!

Why should you take this Course?

  • It explains Projects on real Data and real-world Problems. No toy data! This is the simplest & best way to become a Data Analyst/Data Scientist

  • It shows and explains the full real-world Data. Starting with ikmporting messy data, cleaning data, merging en concatenating gegevens, groepering en aggregating gegevens, Exploratory Data Analysis through to preparing and processing data for Statistics, machine Learning en Data Presentation.

  • Professionals who are exposed to data but can’t yet leverage its power

  • Product managers who want to make data-driven decisions

  • It gives you plenty of opportunities to practice and code on your own. Learning by doing.

  • In real-world projects, coding and the business side of things are equally important. This is probably the only course that teaches both: in-depth Python Coding en Big-Picture Thinking like How you can come up with a conclusion

  • Guaranteed Satisfaction: Anders, get your money back with 30-Days-Money-Back-Guarantee.

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