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Deploying Your First Resources in Azure (UPDATED NOV 2020)

Deploying Your First Resources in Azure (UPDATED NOV 2020)

Prijs: $29.99

Over 12,000 students have already enrolled in this entry-level Microsoft Azure course that introduces the student to basic resource deployment in Microsoft Azure. Students who take this course will learn what Azure is and what it offers. Students will also learn how to perform basic tasks in the Azure portal, including things like:

  • Deploying Resource Groups

  • Deploying and Configuring Virtual Networks

  • Deploying Network Security Groups

  • Configuring Network Security Rules

  • Deploying Virtual Machines

  • Deploying and Configuring Storage Accounts

  • Creating Azure File Shares

Deploying Your First Resources in Microsoft Azure is the perfect course for the IT professional who has had minimal exposure to Microsoft Azure and is interested in learning how to deploy some of the more popular resources. Basic deployment tasks such as virtual machine deployment, virtual network deployment, and more are taught so the student can grasp the fundamentals of deployment and navigation.

The bonus section of this intro-level course on PowerShell walks the student through the process of installing the AZ PowerShell module, and how to use it to connect to Azure. It also teaches you how to use PowerShell to deploy a resource group and a virtual machine.

If you are new to Microsoft Azure and want to know how to perform basic deployments of common Azure resources, enroll today!

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