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Developing Self-awareness using a deck of 52-cards

Developing Self-awareness using a deck of 52-cards

Prijs: $29.99


Any individual who has achieved personal or professional success would have a high level of self-awareness. Being self-aware is one of the ways to develop your level of EQ.

Self-Awareness Toolkit using a 52-card deck is a step-by-step guide that can help you to:

1. Build your Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

2. Manage stress and anxiety

3. Give a new perspective to everyday life’s challenges

4. Test self-defeating beliefs

5. Develop mental wellbeing

6. Measure your self-perception

Gedetailleerde lezingen over Active Directory:

This on-demand video course is a collection of handpicked 52 cards that helps you lead a life with full awareness. Each concept is designed to give you a spark and help you do self-introspection. Handling stress, striking balance, understanding anger, accepting failures, dissolving ego, ending suffering, finding purpose, resolving guilt, and managing energy are just some of the concepts that are covered in this course.

The best part is that you can learn it at your own pace by watching each video and then practising through self-introspection. This is a simple yet powerful way to build your self-awareness as you go through each video right from understanding needs (kaart 2) to finding purpose (kaart 52) and everything in between.

What you’ll gain:

1. Increase your level of self-awareness and self-management in both your personal & professional life.

2. Build resilience in your life.

3. Develop healthy mental habit as you practice each of the 52-cards.

4. Enhance self-love.

How you should take this course?

This unique course provides an inclusive entertaining and useful learning experience. Since there is no target date for you finishing this course you can fit this around your current responsibilities and do it at your natural pace.

1. Listen to the introductory video

2. Horloge 1 video each day, if you like, for the next 52 dagen

3. Do self-introspection and self-reflection after each video and stay mindful about it the entire day.

4. Next day pick the next video and repeat the above process

5. Listen to all the 52 videos in the same sequence (ideaal)

This is what past attendees have to say:

“…I’m very impressed with the program, going for card #2 vandaag….I am looking to achieve my highest and best from your insightful guidance” – as shared by a US participant

A journey of self-introspection that makes imperative to think on the simple matters which are crying out attention in one’s daily life. – feedback from working professional in India

It’s all about small things simple concepts that can make a big difference in your life in the current challenging scenario. This was indeed very useful to think forward for living a joyful life” – reviewed by an attendee from Australia

Key details:

Taal: Engels

Inhoud: 52 on-demand videos

Looptijd: 3.5+ uur

Delivery: Online in video format

Mode: Self-paced learning

Charges: Amerikaanse Dollar 29.99 (one-time fee). Access it anytime, Hiermee kunt u uw voortgang volgen en de AWS-kennisgebieden benadrukken waarop u zich tijdens uw studie het meest moet concentreren.

Betaling: Using the ticket link provided here.

Voltooi Windows Server: The course is made up of a series of 52-videos and to get the most out of this course you will time for self-reflection. The course video makes up a one day workshop so is equivalent to 6 hours of training including self-reflection time. Onthouden, self-awareness can never be achieved just by watching videos. It’s incomplete unless you do some role-plays, get feedback from others and do reflective thinking on each of the 52-cards.


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