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De grondbeginselen van het beheer van studieleningen

De grondbeginselen van het beheer van studieleningen

Prijs: $94.99

This Course is about Student Loans in the United States. Er zijn meer dan 42 million people with outstanding Student Loans in the United States. Nog, Surveys show that the details of Student Loans are not very well understood. deze cursus is de praktische versie ervan, we will examine Student Loans in detail. We will begin with Salary Information and the Level of Student Loans those Salary Levels can support, comfortably. volgende, we will examine the different types of Student Loans as well as how interest rates vary by Loan. Verder, we will cover Time Value of Money Concepts such as Present Value, Future Value, Compounding Frequencies and the Discounting Process. One key detail that we will highlight, is that, unlike Mortgages are Car Loans, Student Loans are compounded Daily. This has significant impact on the borrower. Tenslotte, we will examine existing and emerging Alternatives to Student Loans.

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