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Emotional Intelligence Life Coach Certification (Geaccrediteerd)

Emotional Intelligence Life Coach Certification (Geaccrediteerd)

Prijs: $124.99

Students who complete the Emotional Intelligence Life Coach certification course will receive an official life coach CERTIFICATION from Transformation Academy. Deze cursus is ook geaccrediteerd door de internationaal erkende Continuing Professional Development Standards Agency (Aanbieder nr: 50134), en 15 CPD/CEU-tegoeden zijn op aanvraag verkrijgbaar. Details will be provided at the end of the course.


We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development, psychologie, bedrijf, and life coaching certification category. Onze cursussen zijn overgenomen door over 300,000+ blije studenten van 195 landen.

Wet van aantrekkingskracht.

The course also has a private thriving Facebook life coach networking group. This group has over 7000 students that have taken our life coaching certifications.


Become a Certified Emotional Intelligence Life Coach!

Veel mensen geloven dat intelligentie-, of IQ (intelligence quotient), is what determines success. Echter, researchers have consistently found that people with average IQ’s outperform those with higher IQ 70% Bedrijfsanalyse. Zo, why is that? It turns out that the missing link in determining a person’s long-term success is waarmee u klanten kunt helpen zichzelf beter te begrijpen, of EQ. Those average IQ people had high Emotional Intelligence, making emotional intelligence tools essential for any coach that wants to help clients transform their life.

Study after study have shown that people with high emotional intelligence:

· Have higher levels of performance (for instance sales representatives with high emotional intelligence outperformed others by 50%)

· Have higher levels of productivity (for instance a study of over 40 fortune 500 companies found that programmers in the top 10th percentile of waarmee u klanten kunt helpen zichzelf beter te begrijpen produced software 3 times faster than programmers with low waarmee u klanten kunt helpen zichzelf beter te begrijpen)

· People with high waarmee u klanten kunt helpen zichzelf beter te begrijpen have higher problem solving skills and lower levels of conflict

· Those with high waarmee u klanten kunt helpen zichzelf beter te begrijpen are more effective leaders and earn substantially more over their lifetime

This means, that as a life coach, nearly every client you encounter would greatly benefit from developing his or her emotional intelligence.

The good news is that emotional intelligence can be DEVELOPED! It is not a fixed in-born trait (and neither is intelligence for that matter—but we cover that in a different course).

The problem is that for most of us, no one teaches us about emotional intelligence and our emotions and how they work. No one teaches us that we can have more control over our emotions by developing awareness of our thoughts and feelings. This is where a life coach can play a vital role in helping clients learn and develop these tools.

Many people that have low level of waarmee u klanten kunt helpen zichzelf beter te begrijpen, including life coaching clients, struggle with:

· Being overwhelmed by life stress

· Getting carried away by negative emotional responses

· Feeling stuck when facing challenges

· Feeling socially awkward or having troubled relationships

And that’s why we created this course! Deze complete Emotional Intelligence life coach certification and training program gives you a blueprint for helping your clients develop emotional intelligence, beide INTRApersonal intelligentie-, or understanding of your own emotions, en INTERpersonal intelligentie-, or understanding of others’ emotions.

In deze cursus, you will learn Emotional Intelligence techniques to use with your life coaching clients to help them:

· Better understand the cause of their own emotions so they can shift their own emotional state

· Catch negative emotions early and avoid triggers, in order to prevent escalation

· Reduce and release stress and better cope with life events

· Develop healthy empathy so that that can better understand others without being sucked into their emotions

· Listen and communicate effectively and tune into non-verbal communication and body language

As a life coach or an aspiring life coach this course will provide:

· A proven life coaching blueprint to help your life coaching clients develop emotional intelligence.

· Life coaching emotional intelligence assessments.

· A life coaching program that you can implement as a stand alone niche life coaching service or life coaching tools and skills that you can add and incorporate to any life coaching niche.

· Transformational NLP techniques that can be used in your life coaching practice

· Essential psychological and emotional life coaching tools that will better help your personal and professional life.

· Access to a private life coaching network community with over 7,000 active life coaches from all over the world. This group is made up of life coaches that have either completed or are completing one of our life coach certification programs. This support group of life coaches is invaluable as you have a range of life coaches with past experience that share their experience and provide feedback and insights.

· Made for you handouts, opdrachten, and activities that you can give to your life coaching clients.

· Access to our Transformation Life Coaching Magazine

· Free listing in Transformation Life Coaching Directory

· Official Life Coaching Certification from Transformation Academy

The skill of emotional intelligence is perhaps the most valuable skill anyone can EVER acquire. Especially for those in the helping field such as life coaching.

Give yourself and your clients the gift of Emotional Intelligence through by taking this life coach certification and becoming a Certified Emotional Intelligence Life Coach!

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