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Final Cut Pro X 101

Final Cut Pro X 101

Prijs: Vrij

Taking you from nothing to your first export in no time, this course is going to let you edit your videos better and more quickly with Final Cut Pro X.

Final Cut Pro X is one of the best video editing software options currently available, but using it for the first time can be daunting. That’s why we made Final Cut Pro X 101. Whether you’re coming from iMovie or haven’t edited videos before, this free course will help you get started with FCPX.

Without going over your head, we’ll take you through editing a video from start to finish.

In the five videos you’ll get an overview of the software, learn how to import footage, create a project & tijdlijn, quickly edit a first draft, create titles and lower thirds, color correct and grade the footage, and properly export the video.

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