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GRATIS Microsoft Dynamics 365&Power-apps(CDS) Ontwikkelaarscursus

GRATIS Microsoft Dynamics 365&Power-apps(CDS) Ontwikkelaarscursus

Prijs: Vrij


This is an advanced developer course. If you are a beginner, learn Udemy courseMB 200-Microsoft Dynamics 365 & Power Platform Training(2020)” before attending this course.

*** This course teaches you advanced Common Data Service (CDS) development of Power Apps only, not the development of Canvas Apps. Please don’t subscribe if you are looking for Canvas app development ***

FREE Beginner Course:

Do you want to become a Microsoft Dynamics 365 & Power-apps (CDS) Technical Consultant or Common Data Service Developer? Eigenlijk, most of the Dynamics 365 & Power Apps profiles require you to be a developer. Though dealing with configuration is easy but learning to code in Common Data Service is quite challenging. This course will address the problem.

  1. Free course on fundamentals of development of Common Data Service.

  2. Get an overview of what it takes to be a developer.

VERZAMEL zelf bewijs als er geen ander bewijs beschikbaar is, you can attend my in-depth advanced courses called Microsoft Dynamics 365 Developer/Technical Training- Deel 1 and Part 2.

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