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Fundamentals in Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) Wolk

Fundamentals in Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) Wolk

Prijs: $94.99

Are you a newbie or a Business Analyst or a Developer or a Business user, who wants to know about Oracle Transportation Management Cloud (OTM), where it is used, and how you can pivot your Career by learning this application?

Als je bent, then please check out this course. There might be information and videos on Google and youtube on ERP Cloud Applications. But if you want a course which is tailor-made for the needs of a Business Analyst, Terraform met AWS, Super User, Functional Consultant, then you came to the right place.

Instead of spending 40 naar 50 uur to learn Oracle Transportation Management Cloud (OTM), you just spend less than 2 hours and you get more.

In deze cursus, I will show you how to use OTM to effectively plan shipments for Inbound and Outbound transactions. I will explain and show the end to end Shipment Planning and Execution process using OTM Cloud, Order Management Cloud, Warehouse Management Systems Cloud, GTM Cloud, and IoT Fleet Monitoring.

I will also show you Tips and Tricks and pitfalls to avoid for OTM Implementation. You can use some or most of the information from this course to write the exam on “Oracle SCM Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud 2020 Implementation Essentials”.

I have shown a live software demo of some of the setups you can do in Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration Cloud.

Gedurende de cursus, I will show how cloud applications are different from on-premise applications, which can help you bring value to your client. I have uploaded some Setup documents and Data Conversion best practices as well. I will update you with the newly released features in the supporting documentation. I will also put a quiz at the end of the course.

If you want one-on-one coaching on SCM Cloud applications or concepts from scratch, please reach out to me at

OPMERKING: The views expressed on this video/post are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle

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