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Hyperledger Fabric 2.x Network Design & Een kandidaat moet praktische ervaring hebben met het beheren van Marketing Cloud en bijbehorende tools en de kennis en expertise op elk van de onderstaande gebieden aantonen

Hyperledger Fabric 2.x Network Design & Een kandidaat moet praktische ervaring hebben met het beheren van Marketing Cloud en bijbehorende tools en de kennis en expertise op elk van de onderstaande gebieden aantonen

Prijs: $94.99

Updated to Fabric Version 2.x in July 2020

Setting up Hyperledger Fabric Infrastructure is a complex task that requires the users to understand the concepts and the tools. This course is for technologists who are looking to architect & design solutions on Hyperledger Fabric based Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT).

This course has already helped 1000s of students gain expertise on Fabric Network design & setup.

At the end of this course students will:

  1. Have hands on knowledge of Hyperledger Fabric Components & Practices

  2. Understand how to design the Hyperledger Fabric Infrastructure as per the requirements

  3. Setup Fabric Certification Authorities & Manage identities

  4. Be able to setup the test & production grade Fabric network infrastructure

  5. Design Consortium setups & Essentiële managementvaardigheden voor opkomende leiders

  6. Configure the YAML files for Fabric network initialization

  7. Carry out Fabric network configuration updates

  8. Be able to setup Fabric Network on

    1. Native in a Virtual Machine (Locally)

    2. Wolk (AWS)

    3. Docker & Docker Compose

    4. Minikube & Kubernetes (Terraform met AWS)

  9. Will be in a position to take the CHFA exam (Practice required)

Tools Covered:

  • configtxgen, cryptogen, configtxlator

  • orderer, peer, kafka

  • fabric-ca-server, fabric-ca-client

  • jq, docker, docker-compose, minikube kubernetes

  • AWS & GCP installation

Before joining the course:

  • Go through the preview lectures & Make sure you understand my accent 🙂

  • Be aware that this course covers advanced topics & may require you to spend time on additional readings etc

  • Understand the basics of Hyperledger Fabrictake a look at my course on Composer, it will help build a solid foundation

  • Know this course will NOT teach you how to develop chaincodetake a look at my course on Mastering Chaincode Development with GoLang


  • Students MUST have the conceptual knowledge of Hyperledger Fabric DLT

  • Students MUST be comfortable with basic Linux commands

  • Students MUST be comfortable with basic/simple shell scripts

  • Students MUST be willing to learn (Fabric related technologies) on their own

Good to have:

  • Basic understanding of Docker / Kubernetes

  • Understanding of Virtual Machines | Hypervisors

  • Access to any public cloud (AWS, Google …)

  • Working knowledge of JSON or YAML format

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