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Life Coaching and Personal development Masterclass

Life Coaching and Personal development Masterclass

Prijs: $19.99

The Life Coaching and Personal Development Masterclass Course (LCPDMC), is the first of it’s kind. Beyond the teachings, an experience has been created that has the propensity to calibrate growth, transformation and upgrade your life in more areas than one.

Most of the modules of LCPDMC was culled from the Self- discovery course program at The African Lady Ambassador (TALA) Institute. TALA is a coaching and mentoring Institute for young vibrant and purpose driven ladies, who want to discover themselves, unlock their highest potentials and live purposeful lives.


Since inception in August 2020, TALA has a growing alumni of over 250 deelnemers uit 8 landen (including men) and a growing community of 110 leden, most of whom have experienced a significant shifts in their lives. The African lady Ambassador program raises and equips women who will rightly represent Africa to the world in their various spheres of influence and fields.

The African lady Ambassador program raises and equips women who will rightly represent Africa to the world in their various spheres of influence and fields. Ladies who will debunk the preconceived notions of fraud and corruption by displaying the values of Virtue, Integrity, Compassion, Character and Excellence. She will be a standard to her world.

TALA was founded by Maryjane Ugbaja under the social enterprise arm of Maryjane Universal StudiosMUS (a growing media outfit that uses various media vehicles to edutain, inspire as well as tackle societal malaise)

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