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Tussen de cursus en de Microsoft-onderwijslink in de cursus heb ik de AZ-900-test kunnen halen: AZ-303/AZ-300

Tussen de cursus en de Microsoft-onderwijslink in de cursus heb ik de AZ-900-test kunnen halen: AZ-303/AZ-300

Prijs: $39.99

This course will give you the essential knowledge required to become a subject matter expertise in implementing, beheren, AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator oefenexamens. Verantwoordelijkheden voor een Azure-beheerder omvatten implementatie, beheren, en identiteit bewaken, bestuur, opslagruimte, berekenen, en virtuele netwerken in een cloudomgeving, plus voorziening, maat, toezicht houden op, en middelen aanpassen, wanneer nodig. Een Azure-beheerder maakt vaak deel uit van een groter team dat zich toelegt op het implementeren van de cloudinfrastructuur van uw organisatie.

Through this course you shall also gain the knowledge to take Microsoft Azure-beheerder: AZ-103/AZ-104, Tussen de cursus en de Microsoft-onderwijslink in de cursus heb ik de AZ-900-test kunnen halen: AZ-300/AZ-303.

Learners will gain depth knowledge with hands-on in the below concepts:

Cloud Computing Introduction:

Azure global infrastructure

Azure Account and Subscription

Create Azure Account and Subscription

Create Azure Account and Subscription-English

Core Services of Azure IaaS

Implement virtual networking:

Azure Networking Services Overview

Connectivity services-Part1

Create VNet

Connectivity services Part-2

Application Protection Services

Create Network Security Group

Application Delivery Services

Network Monitoring services

Implement storage accounts:

Storage Account Overview

Create Storage Account

Implement VMs for Windows and Linux:

Azure virtuele machines

Virtual Machine series

Create Windows Virtual Machine

Connect and Explore Windows Virtual Machine

Configure Windows Virtual Machine as a Webserver

Create Linux Virtual Machine

Connect and Explore Linux Virtual Machine

Configure Linux Virtual Machine as Webserver

Delete Resource Group

Configure Static IP for VM

Changing Size of VM

Reset Windows VM Admin Password

Reset Remote Desktop Setting of Windows VM

Working on Serial Console of Windows VM

Automate deployment and configuration of resources:

Azure PowerShell

Create Windows VM Azure PowerShell

Azure Resource Manager

Create-Download ARM Template

Edit ARM Template

Deploy Resources Using ARM Template

Deploy Linux VM Using ARM Template

Implement cloud infrastructure monitoring:

Configure Diagnostic Settings on Azure Resources

Create Alerts

Create Alert Rule Action

Create Metrics

Log Analytics Workspace

Implement storage accountsPart2:

Ik voeg constant nieuwe inhoud toe in termen van zowel lezingen als demo's

Create Containers in Storage Account

Add Data Disk to VM

Detach Data Disk from VM

Add Data Disk to VM with Managed-Disk

Upload On-Premises VHD to Azure Storage Account

Create File Shares

Connect/Access File Shares

Configure Shared Access Signature

Access Storage Account Using Storage Explorer

Azure AD Authentication for Storage

Log Analytics for Storage

Implement virtual networkingPart2:

Route Table

Create Route Table

Add Route to Route Table

Associate Route Table to a Subnet

Configure IP Forwarding in NVA

Test Routing

Application Security Group

Virtual Network Peering

Create Virtual Network Peering

Create Global Virtual Network Peering

Create VNet-to-VNet Connectivity Using Virtual Network GatewayPart1

Create VNet-to-VNet Connectivity Using Virtual Network Gateway – Part2

Implement Azure Active Directory

Azure Active Directory Overview

Create Custom Domain in Azure Active Directory

Create Users and Groups in Azure Active Directory

Login as Azure AD user in Azure User Access Panel Portal

Configure Enterprise Applications For Azure AD User

Multi-Factor Authentication

Configure Multifactor Authentication

Configure Azure Multi-Factor Authentication settings

Configure Azure AD Premium License

Configure Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR)

Azure Active Directory Identity Protection

Azure Active Directory Identity ProtectionSecurity overview

Azure Active Directory Identity Protection – Demo

Azure AD Conditional Access policies

Azure AD Conditional Access policies – Demo

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) Identity Governance

Manage guest access with Azure AD access reviews

Azure AD Identity GovernanceReview Access – Demo

Implement and manage hybrid identities:

Hybrid Identity with Azure Active Directory

Install and Configure Azure AD Connect-Demo

Configure and Manage Password Sync and Password Writeback

Azure AD Connect Health

Azure Backup and Restore:

Azure Backup Service

Cerate Recovery Service Vault

Configure Backup for Azure Workloads

Configure Backup for Azure File Shares

Configure Backup for On-Premises Workloads

Install and Register MARS Agent on On-Premises Workload

Backup and Restore On-Premises Workload using MARS Agent

Implement an Azure Application Infrastructure:

Azure App-service

Create Azure App Service

Configure FTP Deployment User And Upload App Service Content

Configure Custom Domain Name for App Service

Configure Scaling for App Service

Configure Deployment Slots for App Service

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