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Microsoft Excel-beginnerscursus – Inleiding Exel

Microsoft Excel-beginnerscursus – Inleiding Exel

Prijs: $19.99

Quickly Learn Excel Basics Get Working with Excel.


During this Microsoft Excel-beginnerscursus – Inleiding Exel you will build a solid foundation on which you will be able to learn, grow more and be able build the rest of your Excel experience on. Enroll now and I’ll guide you step-by-step, exercise files included, through the basics of working with the most powerful spreadsheet tool on the market. In very little time you will master the basics of Excel that’ll provide a foundation for more advanced Excel techniques (Cursus: Microsoft Excel beginner Course – Inleiding Exel, (Microsoft Excel Intermediate CourseMore Excel, Microsoft Excel Advance CourseMaster Excel and Microsoft Excel Expert CourseExpertise Excel (Up Next)).

Each section in this course will introduce you to a key foundational Excel concept that you will quickly master.

  • Understanding the Excel Interface and Document Structure

  • Entering and Working with Data in an Excel Worksheet

  • Working with Formulas and the most common Excel Functions

  • Formatting Your Excel Data to make it more Presentable

  • Creating and Working with Excel Charts to Visually Present Data

  • Preparing Your Excel Documents to be Printed

  • Connecting with cloud service.

  • Creating an Excel Template for Easy Reuse

At completion of this Microsoft Excel beginner CourseIntroduction Excel you will have mastered the above Excel concepts and able to complete the fundamental day to day tasks of an Excel worker.

Each section also includes quiz to test the knowledge you will gain and exercise files for you to download and practice with. These are the same files that are used in the video lectures. So that you can work along while watching the video lectures.

Zo, what are you waiting for, enroll now and build a solid foundation within Microsoft Excel.

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