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Salesforce Certification – Sales Cloud Consultant

Salesforce CertificationSales Cloud Consultant

Prijs: $79.99

De Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant Certification Course is for students who are interested in acquiring Salesforce SalesCloud Certification en naar Learn about various industry practices which are followed globally by consultants.

The course will take you through various customization’s possible in salesforce lightning. The course also covers how to implement some of the commonly used business scenarios in lightning so that students can have a hands-on experience of some real business use cases.

About the Certification : A Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant designs and deploys solutions that support customer business processes and requirements using Salesforce applications. Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultants are interested in demonstrating their expertise as cloud computing implementation consultants with a specialty in Salesforce automation. The consultant has experience working with sales and marketing organizations and has expertise in Salesforce applications, including the knowledge needed to implement multiple applications in common customer scenarios.

The course is made very concisely keeping in mind that all the relevant information mentioned in the exam guide is covered. The Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant Certification course will help the existing admins to successfully design and implement maintainable and scalable SalesCloud solutions that contribute to long-term customer success.

This course has over 5.5 hours of video content. At the end of course you will have knowledge and hands on experience on various customization’s that can be done in the lightning platform which is needed to take up the Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant Certification . I am updating and will keep adding new content in this course regularly.

Gelukkig leren!!

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