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Salesforce Health Cloud Head Start

Salesforce Health Cloud Head Start

Prijs: $54.99

  • Course covers:

    • How Health Cloud helps Care Coordinators

    • The Contents of a Patient Record in Health Cloud

    • How Patient Records Offer Complete Views of Each Patient

    • Tasks that need attention

    • New patients who need onboarding

    • And communications with everyone surrounding her patients

Salesforce Health Cloud Core Capabilities

  1. Health Cloud provides necessary data model to help unlock data from legacy systems of record and EHRs (Electronic Health Registries)

  2. It gives healthcare professionals the tools they need to collaborate more efficiently

  3. Help Care Coordinators understand patients more deeply, and build 1-to-1 relationships across entire care journeys

  4. Health cloud provides essential functionality for payers(Insurance company)

Health Cloud Specific Terminology

  1. Care Team – dokters , Health Care Advisor, Verpleegkundige,Therapists, Administrative Professionals. In salesforce Health Care Team is usually case Team

  2. ProviderA health care provider is a person or company that provides a health care service

  3. PayerPayer is organisation which takes care of financial and operational aspects (which include insurance plans, provider network) of providing health care.

  4. EHRElectronic Health Registry that holds electronic health records

  5. HL7 -Health Level Seven International is a set of standards, formats and definitions for exchanging and developing electronic health records (EPD's)

Follow the course to get started with the health cloud and create project together to get solid understanding. Explore how Health Cloud gives healthcare professionals the tools they need to build one-to-one relationships. The shift to patient and member relationship management has begun. Learn more about Health Cloud’s key advantages across healthcare and life sciences.

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