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Salesforce Lightning 2020 Certified Administrator Part 2

Salesforce Lightning 2020 Certified Administrator Part 2

Prijs: $139.99

My Salesforce Classic Administrator Certification Course released in March of 2016 and is the best-selling and highest rated Salesforce course of all time, wereldwijd (not just on Udemy). I have been teaching Salesforce online since that time and have taught well over 110,000 studenten.

This course is part 2 of a new course series, recorded in Salesforce Lightning. Whereas my prior course was recorded in Salesforce Classic, this course is recorded in Lightning Experience. Ook, in order to get the most current information out to you as quickly as possible, I am dividing up the Salesforce Administrator Certification into a series of coursesthis is the second course in the new series. This course covers the following Knowledge Areas of the Exam Guide:

  • Standard and Custom Objects

  • Sales and Marketing Applications

After Tens of Thousands of Udemy Survey ratings for my courses, the students have spoken:

Are you learning valuable information?” 99.6% answered YES

Are the explanations of the concepts clear?” 99.8% answered YES

Is the instructor knowledgeable about the topic?” 99.9% answered YES

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