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SC-900: Microsoft Security, Nakoming,Identity Fundamentals

SC-900: Microsoft Security, Nakoming,Identity Fundamentals

Prijs: $99.99

This course covers the content required for the SC-900 certification exam.

This course is the foundation for the Microsoft Certificate SC-900Microsoft Security, Nakoming, and Identity Fundamentalsacross cloud-based and related Microsoft services.

Basisprincipes van softwareontwikkeling the concepts of Security, Naleving en identiteit (SCI). We’ll look at security methodologies, security concepts and Microsoft Security and compliance principles.

Basisprincipes van softwareontwikkeling Microsoft Identity and Access Management Solutions. We’ll look at identity principles and concepts, basic identity and identity types, and authentication, access management and identity protection and governance capabilities of Azure Active Directory.

polymorfisme en inkapseling Microsoft Security Solutions. This includes basic security capabilities and security management capabilities of Azure, and also Azure Sentinel, Microsoft 365 Verdediger, InTune and Microsoft 365.

The final item is Microsoft Compliance Solutions. We’ll look at compliance management capabilities generally, then have a look at the capabilities in Microsoft 365 of information protection and governance, inside risk, eDiscovery and audit. We’ll end with looking at the resource governance capabilities in Azure.

We kijken naar de basis van relationele databasebeheersystemen – we’ll even see how to get a free Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365 proces!

Er zijn We kijken naar de basis van relationele databasebeheersystemen We kijken naar de basis van relationele databasebeheersystemen, We kijken naar de basis van relationele databasebeheersystemen.

We kijken naar de basis van relationele databasebeheersystemen, you will have a good introductory knowledge of security, nakoming, en identiteit (SCI) across cloud-based and related Microsoft services. En met wat oefening, you could even go for the official Microsoft certification SC-900 – zou dat niet goed staan ​​op je cv of CV?

Zo, We kijken naar de basis van relationele databasebeheersystemen, let’s have a look at how you can use the Udemy interface, en dan kijken we naar de doelstellingen van het examen en dus naar de syllabus voor deze cursus.

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